Replace single backslash in R

2020-01-23 05:34发布


I have a string that looks like:


I'm trying to remove the backslashes but nothing works:

gsub("\","",str, fixed=TRUE)

...basically all the variations you can imagine. I have even tried the string_replace_all function. ANY HELP??

I'm using R version 3.1.1; Mac OSX 10.7; the dput for a single string in my vector of strings gives:


I imported the file using readLines from a standard .txt file. The content of the file looks something like: got an engineer booked for this afternoon \ud83d\udc4d all now hopefully sorted\ud83d\ude0a I m going to go insane ud83d\ude21\ud83d\udd2b in utf8towcs …



When inputting backslashes from the keyboard, always escape them.

str <-"this\\is\\my\\string"    # note doubled backslashes -> 'this\is\my\string'
gsub("\\", "", str, fixed=TRUE) # ditto

str2 <- "a\\f\\r"               # ditto -> 'a\f\r'
gsub("\\", "", str2, fixed=TRUE)# ditto

Note that if you do

str <- "a\f\r"

then str contains no backslashes. It consists of the 3 characters a, \f (which is not normally printable, except as \f, and \r (same).

And just to head off a possible question. If your data was read from a file, the file doesn't have to have doubled backslashes. For example, if you have a file test.txt containing


and you do

str <- readLines("test.txt")

then str will contain the string a\b\c\d\e\f as you'd expect: 6 letters separated by 5 single backslashes. But you still have to type doubled backslashes if you want to work with it.

str <- gsub("\\", "", str, fixed=TRUE)  # now contains abcdef

From the dput, it looks like what you've got there is UTF-16 encoded text, which probably came from a Windows machine. According to


it encodes glyphs in the Supplementary Multilingual Plane, which is pretty obscure. I'll guess that you need to supply the argument encoding="UTF-16" to readLines when you read in the file.


One quite universal solution is

gsub("\\\\", "", str)

Thanks to the comment above.


This might be helpful :)

## [1] "ala\\\\ma\\\\kota"
stri_unescape_unicode("ala\\ ma\\ kota")
## [1] "ala ma kota"


Since there isn't any direct ways to dealing with single backslashes, here's the closest solution to the problem as provided by David Arenburg in the comments section

gsub("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", str) #remove all besides the alphabets & numbers


This is the same as the accepted answer but rtemoves less (just non-ascii characters):

gsub("[^ -~]", '', "a\f\r") 
## [1] "a"