I have a data frame with about 200 columns, out of them I want to group the table by first 10 or so which are factors and sum the rest of the columns.
I have list of all the column names which I want to group by and the list of all the cols which I want to aggregate.
The output format that I am looking for needs to be the same dataframe with same number of cols, just grouped together.
Is there a solution using packages data.table
, plyr
or any other?
The data.table way is :
DT[, lapply(.SD,sum), by=list(col1,col2,col3,...)]
DT[, lapply(.SD,sum), by=colnames(DT)[1:10]]
where .SD
is the (S)ubset of (D)ata excluding group columns. (Aside: If you need to refer to group columns generically, they are in .BY
In base R this would be...
aggregate( as.matrix(df[,11:200]), as.list(df[,1:10]), FUN = sum)
The aggregate function has come a long way since I wrote this. None of the casting above is necessary.
aggregate( df[,11:200], df[,1:10], FUN = sum )
And there are a variety of ways to write this. Assuming the first 10 columns are named a1
through a10
I like the following, even though it is verbose.
aggregate(. ~ a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 + a7 + a8 + a9 + a10, data = dat, FUN = sum)
(You could use paste to construct the formula and use formula
This seems like a task for ddply (I use the 'baseball' dataset which is included with plyr):
groupColumns = c("year","team")
dataColumns = c("hr", "rbi","sb")
res = ddply(baseball, groupColumns, function(x) colSums(x[dataColumns]))
This gives per groupColumns the sum of the columns specified in dataColumns.
The dplyr
way would be:
df %>%
group_by(col1, col2, col3) %>%
You can further specify the columns to be summarised or excluded from the summarise_each
by using the special functions mentioned in the help file of ?dplyr::select
Using plyr::ddply:
ddply(dtfr, .(name1, name2, namex), numcolwise(sum))
Another way to do this with dplyr that would be generic (don't need list of columns) would be:
df %>% group_by_if(is.factor) %>% summarize_if(is.numeric,sum,na.rm = TRUE)