I'm using jQuery validation.
When for is now valid, validator is creating those:
<label class="error" for="username" generated="true">
As all label has got the same class=error can I select with CSS this exact one based on 'for'?
I know how to sort this out with jQuery - but always looking for cleanest, purest way.
Any suggestion much appreciated.
Using the (CSS2) attribute selector:
This will work in IE8+ and all modern browsers.
IE7's attribute selector is buggy: as explained here, to match for
you must use htmlFor
So, if you need IE7 support, use this:
.error[for="username"], .error[htmlFor="username"]
Thanks IE7, for making my answer over twice as long as it needed to be.
Any attribute can be selected with CSS or jQuery using the []
notation. CSS applies to any XML-like syntax, not just HTML -- it doesn't know (or care) what attributes are "valid" as long as the structure is well-formed.
.error[for='username'] {
or for a "starts with"
.error[for^='userprefix'] {
In the css:
.error[for=username] {
In the jQuery