This code doesn't work
select pagenr into @offset from pages where id = 3;
select * from table1 limit @offset*10, 10;
What SQLcode do I need to use in order to get this kind of code to work
using only SQL!
Note that
doesn't work because I'm mainly concerned with the offset, not the limit as such.
From the MySQL 5.5 specification:
clause can be used to
constrain the number of rows returned
by the SELECT
statement. LIMIT
one or two numeric arguments, which
must both be nonnegative integer
constants, with these exceptions:
- Within prepared statements,
parameters can be specified using ?
placeholder markers.
- Within stored programs,
parameters can be specified using
integer-valued routine parameters or local variables as of MySQL 5.5.6.
So, inside a stored procedure, the following would work:
DECLARE offset bigint
SELECT pagenr * 10 INTO offset FROM pages where id = 3;
SELECT * FROM table1 LIMIT offset, 10;
Otherwise, you'll need to precompute the value and pass it in via the query. You should already know the page size and page number, so this shouldn't be difficult.