What is the equivalent of “CASE WHEN THEN” (T-SQL)

2019-01-19 03:46发布


I have a Transact-SQl request that I use a lot and I want to get the equivalent with Entity Framework. But I don't know how to make a "CASE WHEN" statement with EF. Here is a simplified code of my request :

SUM(CASE WHEN Month=1 THEN Days Else 0 END) AS Jan,
FROM MyTable 

Can you tell me if it's possible and how to do this with EF ?


In this case, I'd say the conditional operator (p ? x : y) is a good substitute.

// context.MyTable is an IQueryable<MyTable>
var query = from t in context.MyTable
            group t by t.Code into grp
            new {
                Code = grp.Key,
                Jan = grp.Sum(x => x.Month == 1 ? x.Days : 0),

Or combine a Where and a Sum:

                Jan = grp.Where(x => x.Month == 1).Sum(x => x.Days),

I'm not sure what SQL these translate to exactly, but they should both have the same result.


as illustrated by the following, the linq equivalent of transact sql CASE WHEN THEN is the conditional operator ?: :

from u in Users
select new {
name = u.Login,
imported = (u.ImportedId != null ) ? 1 : 0

is translated as

1 AS [C1], 
[Extent1].[Login] AS [Login], 
CASE WHEN ([Extent1].[ImportedId] IS NOT NULL) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS [C2]
FROM [dbo].[VIPUsers] AS [Extent1]


One way to accomplish this is to simply use .ThenBy.
For example, if query looks like this, where you want the 3 possible values ordered first (in order of the when case), the table records will be ordered by MANAGER, ADMIN, SUPPORT, and all other types:

select * from people
    order by
    case people_type 
         when 'MANAGER' Then 0
         when 'ADMINISTRATOR' Then 1
         when 'SUPPORT' Then 2
         else 3 end

The equivalent linq would then be:

.OrderBy(x => x.people_Type == x => x.people_Type == "SUPPORT")
.ThenBy(x => x.people_Type == "MANAGER")