I'm not sure what it means in this context. I tried adding " 'uniformoutput',false " to the end of arrayfun, but then it got upset with the "+" operator saying "Undefined operator '+' for input arguments of type 'cell'." I changed it to ".+" but got a parse error :( What am doing wrong?
Here is an image of the part that is broken and the error. The entire code is below in case someone would like to try running it or copy the broken part.
the whole code:
function gbp2(zi,zf)
global beam xlist ylist wi qi Ri wf qf Rf Psii Psif x n
beam = struct('E',[],'lambda',[],'w',[],'R',[],'q',[],'a',[]);
E = 1; % electric field
lambda = 1064*10^-9; % wavelength
k = 2*pi/lambda; % wave number
wi = 10^-3; % initial waist width (minimum spot size)
zr = (pi*wi^2)/lambda; % Rayleigh range
Ri = zi + zr^2/zi;
qi = 1/(1/Ri-1i*lambda/(pi*wi^2)); % initial complex beam parameter
Psii = atan(real(qi)/imag(qi)); % Gouy phase
mat = [1 zf; 0 1]; % transformation matrix
A = mat(1,1); B = mat(1,2); C = mat(2,1); D = mat(2,2);
qf = (A*qi + B)/(C*qi + D);
wf = sqrt(-lambda/pi*(1/imag(1/qf)));
Rf = 1/real(1/qf);
u = @(z, coor, mode, w, R, Psi) (2/pi)^(1/4)*sqrt(exp(1i*(2*mode+1)*Psi)/(2^mode*factorial(mode)*w))*...
% -------------------- ERROR IN THIS PIECE (below) ----------------------------
xlist = containers.Map('KeyType','double','ValueType','any');
ylist = containers.Map('KeyType','double','ValueType','any');
function pts(z, w, R, Psi)
xlist(z) = -2*w:10^-4:2*w;
ylist(z) = zeros(1,size(xlist(z),2));
for mode = 0:2:10
ylist(z) = ylist(z) + arrayfun(@(coor) u(z, coor, mode, w, R, Psi),xlist(z),'uniformoutput',false);
plot(xlist(zi),ylist(zi),xlist(zf),ylist(zf)) end
I tried writing a similar but simpler function and it seems to work just fine:
function test(zi, zf)
u = @(z,coor,mode) z*mode + integral(@(coor)coor,0,1);
xlist = containers.Map('KeyType','double','ValueType','any');
ylist = containers.Map('KeyType','double','ValueType','any');
function pts(z)
xlist(z) = -5:5;
ylist(z) = zeros(1,size(xlist(z),2));
for mode = 0:2:10
ylist(z) = ylist(z) + arrayfun(@(coor) u(z,coor,mode),xlist(z));
so I'm not sure what the problem is with my code.