I'm trying to add a proxy to a public repository (specifically camel-extra). However, I get the following error in my Nexus logs:
Cannot fetch remote index for repository camel-extra
and then further down:
The remoteURL we requested does not exists on remote server (remoteUrl="http://camel-extra.googlecode.com/svn/maven2/releases/.index/nexus-maven-repository-index.properties")
I've ensured that 'Download Remote Indexes' is 'True', repaired the index, updated the index, all to no avail. Browsing to the provided URL shows that the artifacts are there.
So if a repository doesn't have this file, is it not proxy-able through Nexus?
Thanks for the answers everyone - was able to pull the artifacts without the index. Thanks again!
Repositories without indexes published will be still proxy-able thru Nexus (or any other MRM). Index is only a "topping" providing useful extras like searching the whole remote content, etc.
The index does not participate in proxy-ing at all, hence the lack of it on remote does not affect main functionality of Nexus at all: to proxy artifacts from remote repository.
From the nexus documentation, it appears that downloading an index is configurable.
The default for new proxy repositories
is enabled, but all of the default
repositories included in Nexus have
this option disabled.
You should disable the Downloading of Remote Index.
Yes, it is proxyable. Just try to download an artifact which is hosted in that repository. The indexes only affect searching and the index published in turn by Nexus.