I'm trying to randomly insert values from a list of pre-defined values into a table for testing. I tried using the solution found on this StackOverflow question:
When I I tried this, all of my "random" values that are inserted are exactly the same for all 3000 records.
When I run the part of the query that actually selects the random row, it does select a random record every time I run it by hand, so I know the query works. My best guesses as to what is happening are:
- SQL Server is optimizing the
somehow, not allowing the subquery to be evaluated more than once
- The random value's seed is the same on every record the query updates
I'm stuck on what my options are. Am I doing something wrong, or is there another way I should be doing this?
This is the code I'm using:
DECLARE @randomStuff TABLE ([id] INT, [val] VARCHAR(100))
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 1, 'Test Value 1' )
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 2, 'Test Value 2' )
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 3, 'Test Value 3' )
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 4, 'Test Value 4' )
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 5, 'Test Value 5' )
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 6, null )
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 7, null )
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 8, null )
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 9, null )
INSERT INTO @randomStuff ([id], [val])
VALUES ( 10, null )
SET MyColumn = (SELECT TOP 1 [val] FROM @randomStuff ORDER BY NEWID())
When the query engine sees this...
(SELECT TOP 1 [val] FROM @randomStuff ORDER BY NEWID())
... it's all like, "ooooh, a cachable scalar subquery, I'm gonna cache that!"
You need to trick the query engine into thinking it's non-cachable. jfar's answer was close, but the query engine was smart enough to see the tautalogy of MyTable.MyColumn = MyTable.MyColumn
, but it ain't smart enough to see through this.
SET MyColumn = (SELECT TOP 1 val
FROM @randomStuff r
ON M.Id = _MT.Id
FROM MyTable M
By bringing in the outer table (MT) into the subquery, the query engine assumes subquery will need to be re-evaluated. Anything will work really, but I went with the (assumed) primary key of MyTable.Id since it'd be indexed and would add very little overhead.
A cursor would probably be just as fast, but is most certainly not as fun.
use a cross join to generate random data
I've had a play with this, and found a rather hacky way to do it with the use of an intermediate table variable.
Once @randomStuff is set up, we do this (note in my case, @MyTable is a table variable, adjust accordingly for your normal table):
DECLARE @randomMappings TABLE (id INT, val VARCHAR(100), sorter UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)
INSERT INTO @randomMappings
SELECT M.id, val, NEWID() AS sort
FROM @MyTable AS M
CROSS JOIN @randomstuff
so at this point, we have an intermediate table with every combination of (mytable id, random value), and a random sort value for each row specific to that combination. Then
DELETE others FROM @randomMappings AS others
INNER JOIN @randomMappings AS lower
ON (lower.id = others.id) AND (lower.sorter < others.sorter)
This is an old trick which deletes all rows for a given MyTable.id except for the one with the lower sort value -- join the table to itself where the value is smaller, and delete any where such a join succeeded. This just leaves behind the lowest value. So for each MyTable.id, we just have one (random) value left.. Then we just plug it back into the table:
SET MyColumn = random.val
FROM @MyTable m, @randomMappings AS random
WHERE (random.id = m.id)
And you're done!
I said it was hacky...
I don't have time to check this right now, but my gut tells me that if you were to create a function on the server to get the random value that it would not optimize it out.
then you would have
Set MyColumn = dbo.RANDOM_VALUE()
There is no optimization going on here.
Your using a subquery that selects a single value, there is nothing to optimize.
You can also try putting a column from the table your updating in the select and see if that changes anything. That may trigger an evaluation for every row in MyTable
SET MyColumn = (SELECT TOP 1 [val] FROM @randomStuff ORDER BY NEWID()
WHERE MyTable.MyColumn = MyTable.MyColumn )
I came up with a solution which is a bit of a hack and very inefficient (10~ seconds to update 3000 records). Because this is being used to generate test data, I don't have to be concerned about speed however.
In this solution, I iterate over every row in the table and update the values one row at a time. It seems to work:
DECLARE @currentRow INT
SELECT @rows = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.MyTable
SET @currentRow = 1
WHILE @currentRow < @rows
SET MyColumn = (SELECT TOP 1 [val] FROM @randomStuff ORDER BY NEWID())
WHERE MyPrimaryKey = (SELECT b.MyPrimaryKey
FROM(SELECT a.MyPrimaryKey, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY MyPrimaryKey) AS rownumber
FROM MyTable a) AS b
WHERE @currentRow = b.rownumber
SET @currentRow = @currentRow + 1