Auto size height for rows in Apache POI

2019-01-18 17:52发布


I am inputting values into a spreadsheet using Apache POI. These values have newlines, and I was able to use this code successfully:

CellStyle style = cell.getCellStyle()

Unfortunately, while the text is wrapping correctly, the rows are not always growing in height enough to show the content. How do I ensure that my rows are always the correct height?



Works for XSSFCell and Excel 2013


HSSFWorkbook workbook=new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFSheet sheet =  workbook.createSheet("FirstSheet");  
HSSFRow rowhead=   sheet.createRow((short)0);
HSSFCellStyle style = workbook.createCellStyle();

The above code will generate dynamic height of rows.


The only way I got this to work was write my own implementation to calculate the row height. The code is now released as the Taro project, so you could use that. It has numerous convenience methods to let you write an Excel file in far fewer lines of code.

If you prefer to put the implementation in your own code, you can find it in the SpreadsheetTab class. There is an autoSizeRow(int rowIndex) method half way down. It basically iterates down the row and for each cell finds the number of lines of text, then uses the font size to calculate the optimal cell height. It then sets the row height to the height of the tallest cell.


See all this link, which provides some code to manually calculate the correct height for a row, based on the column width and cell content. I've not personally tested it. Also pasted below for convenience:

// Create Font object with Font attribute (e.g. Font family, Font size, etc) for calculation
java.awt.Font currFont = new java.awt.Font(fontName, 0, fontSize);
AttributedString attrStr = new AttributedString(cellValue);
attrStr.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, currFont);

// Use LineBreakMeasurer to count number of lines needed for the text
FontRenderContext frc = new FontRenderContext(null, true, true);
LineBreakMeasurer measurer = new LineBreakMeasurer(attrStr.getIterator(), frc);
int nextPos = 0;
int lineCnt = 0;
while (measurer.getPosition() < cellValue.length())
    nextPos = measurer.nextOffset(mergedCellWidth); // mergedCellWidth is the max width of each line

Row currRow = currSht.getRow(rowNum);
currRow.setHeight((short)(currRow.getHeight() * lineCnt));

// The above solution doesn't handle the newline character, i.e. "\n", and only
// tested under horizontal merged cells.


You can't adjust cell height directly. But you can change the row's height

final HSSFSheet fs = wb.createSheet("sheet1");
final HSSFRow row0 = fs.createRow(0);
final HSSFCell cellA1 = row0.createCell(0);


Row aitosize work for me:


Here 0 for calculate autoheight.


cell.getRow().setHeight((short) -1);

Worked for HSSFCell in apache poi 3.9 or above


//we can use column width for sheet

Ex: sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 2000);