I understand that the single ampersand operator is normally used for a 'bitwise AND' operation. However, can anyone help explain the interesting results you get when you use it for comparison between two numbers?
For example;
(6 & 2) = 2
(10 & 5) = 0
(20 & 25) = 16
(123 & 20) = 16
There seems to be no logical link between these results - am I missing something? Online documentation only seems to refer to the comparison of booleans or single bits.
Compare the binary representations of each of those.
110 & 010 = 010
1010 & 0101 = 0000
10100 & 11001 = 10000
1111011 & 0010100 = 0010000
In each case, a digit is 1 in the result only when it is 1 on both the left AND right side of the input.
You need to convert your numbers to binary representation and then you will see the link between results like 6 & 2= 2 is actually 110 & 010 =010 etc
10 & 5 is 1010 & 0101 = 0000
The binary and operation is performed on the integers, represented in binary. For example
110 (6)
010 (2)
010 (2)
6 = 0110
2 = 0010
6 & 2 = 0010
20 = 10100
25 = 11001
20 & 25 = 10000
(looks like you're calculation is wrong for this one)
Internally, Integers are stored in binary format. I strongly suggest you read about that. Knowing about the bitwise representation of numbers is very important.
That being said, the bitwise comparison compares the bits of the parameters:
Decimal: 6 & 2 = 2
Binary: 0110 & 0010 = 0010
The bitwise AND is does exactly that: it does an AND operation on the Bits.
So to anticipate the result you need to look at the bits, not the numbers.
AND gives you 1, only if there's 1 in both number in the same position:
6(110) & 2(010) = 2(010)
10(1010) & 5(0101) = 0(0000)
A bitwise OR will give you 1 if there's 1 in either numbers in the same position:
6(110) | 2(010) = 6(110)
10(1010) | 5(0101) = 15(1111)
Bitwize AND matches the bits in binary notation one by one and the result is the bits that are comon between the two numbers.
To convert a number to binary you need to understand the binary system.
For example
6 = 110 binary
The 110 represents 1x4 + 1x2 + 0x1 = 6.
2 then is
0x4 + 1x2 + 0x1 = 2.
Bitwize and only retains the positions where both numbers have the position set, in this case the bit for 2 and the result is then 2.
Every extra bit is double the last so a 4 bit number uses the multipliers 8, 4, 2, 1 and can there fore represent all numbers from 0 to 15 (the sum of the multipliers.)