I have no clue how to count the occurrences of characters in a string using tail recursion in scala.
I need to run a program with input
and the output is:
List((e,1), (x,1), (p,1), (l,1), (a,2), (n,2), (t,1), (i,1), (o,1))
I tried running RLE so far but the topic of tail recursion is new to me, so some steps/algorithm for doing so would be perfect
Possible Solutions:
A String is a list of characters.
Group them by identity which is (x => x), then count them.
Normally groupBy returns a Map which can by transformed to a list of tuples by toList.
Code/ not reinventing the wheel
def times(s: String) = s.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size).toList
times: (s: String)List[(Char, Int)]
res1: List[(Char, Int)] = List((e,1), (x,1), (n,2), (t,1), (a,2), (i,1), (l,1), (p,1), (o,1))
Code with tail recursion / reinvents the wheel/ please use not to cheat in the Coursera Scala Course
import scala.annotation.tailrec
def myTimes(s: String) : List[(Char,Int)] = {
@tailrec // comiler cheks if really tailrecursive
def timesTail(chars: List[Char], res: List[(Char,Int)]) : List[(Char,Int)] =
chars match {
case Nil => res // we are done when there are no characters left
case char :: rest => {
// otherwise
val newCharCount =
find (_._1 == char). //check if we already have seen the character
map{ case (c,count) => (c,count + 1) }. // if yes, we raise take the old count and raise it by one
getOrElse( (char,1) ) // otherwise we count one occurrence
// here it gets recursive
rest, // remaining Characters
newCharCount :: res.filterNot(_._1 == char) // add the new count to list, remove old if present
// initial call with empty lsit to start the helper function
Efficient, this is not. But it is tail-recursive, and the output is in the same order as in the question, in case that matters. If this isn't an assignment then Andreas's groupBy
solution is the better solution.
def times(s: String) = {
def timesRecurse(s: String, result: List[(Char, Int)]): List[(Char, Int)] = {
if (s.isEmpty)
else {
val c = s.head
val i = result.indexWhere(_._1 == c)
if (i == -1)
(c, 1) :: result
result updated (i, (c, result(i)._2 + 1)))
timesRecurse(s, List[(Char, Int)]()).reverse
//> res0: List[(Char, Int)] =
// List((e,1), (x,1), (p,1), (l,1), (a,2), (n,2), (t, 1), (i,1), (o,1))