How to delete jQuery autocomplete item

2019-12-16 17:03发布


My JQuery code is:

$(function() {
$( document ).tooltip({
  track: true
$(document).ready(function() {
  $(function() {
var availableTags = ["Bangladesh","USA","Uk","CANADA","Angola","Antigua and  Barbuda","Argentina"];
var country;
$( "#country_name" ).autocomplete({
  source: availableTags,
  autoFocus: true,
  select: function( event, ui ) {              
       country=ui.item.value;  //$('#target').text( ui.item.value );
       //$('#div_selected_country').text($('#div_selected_country').html()+"\n "+country);
            " <a href='?delete=1' class='del_country'>X</a></span>"+"\n ");
       if ( ui.item ){
          return false;
$(document).ready(function() {
//$('a.del_country').click(function(e) {
$('a.del_country').on('click', function() { //.on in JQuery 1.9 and up instead of .live

Here is the JSFiddle here

I am trying to implement auto complete for list of countries, add one by one and shows into another div. Up to this point my code works fine, but I need to remove selected countries as well (one by one).

What I have done, when I add a country I include a span tag by mentioning a class; and later when I try to access that class using jQuery, I failed to get that class.

From my understanding, my span tag is not binding properly with HTML DOM and that's why later it's not identified.


You need to use event delegation approach for .on() since the elements with class="del_country" are being added dynamically.

$(document).on('click','a.del_country', function(e) { 
        e.preventDefault();/* prevent browser opening href url*/
        /* remove parent span*/