setTestProviderLocation() does not trigger calling

2019-01-18 15:27发布


I'm trying to get this bit of code to work:

Testing GPS in Android

The problem is, when I run the test, onLocationChanged() is never called:

public class LocationTest0 extends AndroidTestCase implements LocationListener {
private Location received = null;
public void testExample() {
    LocationManager lm = (LocationManager)this.getContext().getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
    String testProvider = "Test";

    if (null == lm.getProvider(testProvider)){
        lm.addTestProvider(testProvider, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, Criteria.POWER_LOW, Criteria.ACCURACY_FINE);

    lm.setTestProviderEnabled(testProvider, true);
    lm.requestLocationUpdates(testProvider, 0, 0, this);
    lm.setTestProviderStatus(testProvider, LocationProvider.AVAILABLE, null, System.currentTimeMillis());

    Location location = new Location(testProvider);
    lm.setTestProviderLocation(testProvider, location);

    Assert.assertFalse("Received Location is null", received == null );

public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
    received = location;
    Log.d("LocationTest0", "onLocationChanged CALLED");
    // Never gets called


This is what worked for me

locationManager.addTestProvider(mocLocationProvider, false, false,
                    false, false, true, true, true, 0, 5);
locationManager.setTestProviderEnabled(mocLocationProvider, true);


Location mockLocation = new Location(mocLocationProvider); // a string
mockLocation.setLatitude(location.getLatitude());  // double 
locationManager.setTestProviderLocation( mocLocationProvider, mockLocation); 


<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION">

Also in the android phone settings make sure you have the "Allow mock locations" checkbox ticked


I had the same issue and could get it to work. I'll share it here in case it can help anyone else.

The thing to consider is that any call to setTestProviderLocation will invoke any listener registered on the mock providers at the time of the invocation. So if you call setTestProviderLocation and right after that call requestLocationUpdates, the onLocationChanged callback never gets called.

My problem was that I had these two (setTestProviderLocation and requestLocationUpdates) in two different threads and requestLocationUpdates was called after, so I never got a callback to onLocationChanged. If your program is multi-threaded (which very likely is) make sure setTestProviderLocation is called after requestLocationUpdates.

Also I noticed for any call to setTestProviderLocation, onLocationChanged will be called once (approximately). So you can put setTestProviderLocation in a loop to simulate a series of calls to onLocationChanged. This way you can simulate a path as well.


I had the same problem. Couldn't resolve it and finally I gave up and added a call to onLocationChanged( location) after locationManager.setTestProviderEnabled( PROVIDER, location) manually. It's not pretty but works.


I ran into a similar problem. Regardless of what I tried, I could never get onLocationChanged() to be automatically called. Eventually, I gave up and created a method that both set the location with setTestProviderLocation() and directly called onLocationChanged(). It's not a perfect solution, but it worked for my needs.


I have the same problem with this issue, I think the problem is TestProvider, so I set

String mocLocationProvider= LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER;

and then it can call onLocationChanged().