From this example. Can I use MediafileUpload with creating folder? How can I get the parent_id from?
I just know that i should use mime = "application/" but how do I implement this tutorial to programming in Python?
Thank you for your suggestions.
To create a folder on Drive, try:
def createRemoteFolder(self, folderName, parentID = None):
# Create a folder on Drive, returns the newely created folders ID
body = {
'title': folderName,
'mimeType': "application/"
if parentID:
body['parents'] = [{'id': parentID}]
root_folder = drive_service.files().insert(body = body).execute()
return root_folder['id']
You only need a parent ID here if you want to create folder within another folder, otherwise just don't pass any value for that.
If you want the parent ID, you'll need to write a method to search Drive for folders with that parent name in that location (do a list() call) and then get the ID of that folder.
Edit: Note that v3 of the API uses a list for the 'parents' field, instead of a dictionary. Also, the 'title'
field changed to 'name'
, and the insert()
method changed to create()
. The code from above would change to the following for v3:
def createRemoteFolder(self, folderName, parentID = None):
# Create a folder on Drive, returns the newely created folders ID
body = {
'name': folderName,
'mimeType': "application/"
if parentID:
body['parents'] = [parentID]
root_folder = drive_service.files().create(body = body).execute()
return root_folder['id']
The mediafile uplaod is needed only if you want to insert content. Since you want only to insert metadata (folders are only metadata), you don't need it. A regular POST with the JSON representing the foder is enough.
You can get the parent ID in several ways :
- searching (file.list end point)
- inserting folder : this returns you a JSON representing the inserted folder, containing its ID
- getting it yourself via the web UI (the ID is contained in the URL of your folder or file) : go to the Web UI, select the folder or file you want, then you can identify the fileId in the URL. ex :
The file Id is the last part of the URL, ie. 0B8VrsrGIcVbrRDVxMXFWVkdfejQ
How to get an FileID programatically :
- Use the children.list endpoint using a known fileId to get the ids of the children of this known ID.
- Use the search feature of google drive : files.list endpoint with a q parameter
- Use aliases : the only one I know in Google Drive is
for the root folder of your Drive.
Using 3. and 1., you can get all the fileIds of your Drive.
I dont know how I can be clearer