I have a compiled .NET assembly with a specific resource file embedded (named 'Script.xml'). I need to programmatically change it out for another.
Is this possible to do without recompiling from source?
Currently, I do a search for text I know is in the file and it works well. But I need to do it for another project where I don't know any of the contents of the resource file and I need to find another method.
FileStream exe = new FileStream(currentexe, FileMode.Open);
//find xml part of exefile
string find = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
string lastchars = new string(' ', find.Length);
while (exe.CanRead) {
lastchars = lastchars.Substring(1) + (char)exe.ReadByte();
if (lastchars == find) {
exe.Seek(-find.Length, SeekOrigin.Current);
//output serialized script
int bytenum = 0;
foreach (byte c in xml) {
if (c == 0) break;
//clean out extra data
while (bytenum++ < ScriptFileSize) {