My company has a vendor providing a JSON feed of data that I need to load into our MS Access database every two hours. I need to:
- load the data from the feed,
- parse the JSON into a usable format for Access, and then
- insert it into the database.
I came across this question discussing a similar issue, but there's no good description there as to how to implement this in MS Access. Any help gratefully appreciated!
Using the VBA JSON library, you certainly can import JSON formatted files into MS Access. The idea is to consider JSON data as a collection of dictionaries and Visual Basic provides the collection and dictionary as data structures.
Below are the steps:
- Build a table to match the structure of expected JSON data
- On the VBA IDE side of MS Access, import the JsonConverter.bas (from link above) into a new module
- Still in the IDE, under Tools / References, check off the VBA Reference: Microsoft Scripting Runtime
- Include the following code that reads the JSON text file, parses it as a collection of dictionaries (with keys and valeus), and appends values iteratively into Access table. Place code behind an Access form or module (example uses a one nested level JSON file)
"col1": somenumber,
"col2": "somestring",
"col3": "somestring",
"col4": "somestring",
"col5": "somestring"
VBA Code
Private Function JSONImport()
Dim db As Database, qdef As Querydef
Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim DataLine As String, jsonStr As String, strSQL As String
Dim p As Object, element As Variant
Set db = CurrentDb
FileNum = FreeFile()
Open "C:\Path\To\JsonFile.json" For Input As #FileNum
jsonStr = ""
While Not EOF(FileNum)
Line Input #FileNum, DataLine
jsonStr = jsonStr & DataLine & vbNewLine
Close #FileNum
Set p = ParseJson(jsonStr)
For Each element In p
strSQL = "PARAMETERS [col1] Long, [col2] Text(255), [col3] Text(255), " _
& "[col4] Text(255), [col5] Text(255); " _
& "INSERT INTO TableName (col1, col2, col3, col4, col5) " _
& "VALUES([col1], [col2], [col3], [col4], [col5]);"
Set qdef = db.CreateQueryDef("", strSQL)
qdef!col1 = element("col1")
qdef!col2 = element("col2")
qdef!col3 = element("col3")
qdef!col4 = element("col4")
qdef!col5 = element("col5")
Next element
Set element = Nothing
Set p = Nothing
End Function
Json file handling in MS Access is easy. Just rename the .json extension to .txt and use the text import function with the delimiter set to (:) and the text delimiter to (").
One line of code... Happy coding!