I know you can set the alignment for each item using:
However I would like to set a default alignment for all the cells in order to do not have to set it every time I create a new item. Is it possible?
Yes it is possible. But you need to understand you are not modifying a property of the table widget, but a property of the table widget item. First create your own item, and set it up as you want
QTableWidgetItem * protoitem = new QTableWidgetItem();
Then each time you want to create a new item rather than using the constructor you use
QTableWidgetItem * newitem = protoitem->clone();
tableWidget->setItem(0,0, newitem);
Another alternative to clone (untested) is to set a prototype on your tablewidget
QTableWidget::setItemPrototype ( const QTableWidgetItem * item )
This last one can be more appropriate if you are using a Ui or if the item is editable.
I don't think there is an existing method for this, but here's two approaches that work:
1.) Subclass QTableWidgetItem
MyTableWidgetItem::MyTableWidgetItem() :
setTextAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft );
However, this is probably a bit overkill for just a single setting + you might want to overload all four constructors of QTableWidgetItem.
2.) Another approach is using a factory instead of calling new:
Note: The linked article talks about unit testing, but there are many more advantages by doing that.
QTableWidgetItem* MyTableWidgetFactory::createTableWidgetItem( const QString& text ) const
QTableWidgetItem* item = new QTableWidgetItem( text );
item->setTextAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft );
return item;
Then instead of
QTableWidgetItem* myItem = new QTableWidgetItem( "foo" );
item->setTextAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft );
you can do
QTableWidgetItem* myItem = myFactory->createTableWidgetItem( "foo" );
where myFactory
is an object of MyTableWidgetFactory