The code is below:
count_characters(Str) ->
count_characters(Str, #{}).
count_characters([H|T], #{ H => N } = X) ->
count_characters(T, X#{ H := N+1 });
count_characters([H|T], X) ->
count_characters(T, X#{ H => 1});
count_characters([], X) ->
when compiling the code in the Erlang shell, it reported the following errors:
1> c(map_demo).
map_demo.erl:7: illegal pattern
map_demo.erl:8: variable 'N' is unbound
map_demo.erl:10: illegal use of variable 'H' in map
map_demo.erl:7: Warning: variable 'H' is unused
I'm new in Erlang, and just can't find anything wrong by myself. How to correct it?
The answers from IRC (#erlang@freenode):
- variables as keys in matches are not supported yet (release 17.0)
- A more general issue affects matching arguments of a function: line 7's
is matched 2 times; or once and used to match N then. (This issue also appears with binaries)
This should be solved in the coming releases.
As of release 17 this works:
count_characters(Str) ->
count_characters(Str, #{}).
%% maps module functions cannot be used as guards (release 17)
%% or you'll get "illegal guard expression" error
count_characters([H|T], X) ->
case maps:is_key(H,X) of
false -> count_characters(T, maps:put(H,1,X));
true -> Count = maps:get(H,X),
count_characters(T, maps:update(H,Count+1,X))
count_characters([], X) ->
Here is another version (only tested on 18) that is slightly more similar to the one in the book:
count_characters(Str) ->
count_characters(Str, #{}).
count_characters([H|T], X) ->
case maps:is_key(H,X) of
false -> count_characters(T, X#{ H => 1 });
true -> #{ H := Count } = X,
count_characters(T, X#{ H := Count+1 })
count_characters([], X) ->
Quoted from OTP 17.0 Release Notes:
OTP-11616 == erts stdlib hipe dialyzer compiler typer ==
EEP43: New data type - Maps
With Maps you may for instance:
-- M0 = #{ a => 1, b => 2}, % create associations
-- M1 = M0#{ a := 10 }, % update values
-- M2 = M1#{ "hi" => "hello"}, % add new associations
-- #{ "hi" := V1, a := V2, b := V3} = M2. % match keys with
For information on how to use Maps please see the Reference
The current implementation is without the following features:
-- No variable keys
-- No single value access
-- No map comprehensions
Note that Maps is experimental during OTP 17.0.
Currently you can use maps
module to implement count_characters
count_characters(Str) ->
count_characters(Str, #{}).
count_characters([H|T], X) ->
count_characters(T, maps:put(H, maps:get(H, X, 0) + 1, X));
count_characters([], X) ->
When you want to match a map, you need like this:
#{key1 := Pattern1, key2 := Pattern2, ...} = VarContainingAMap.
you can read the ducoment:
@EWit, Felipe Mafra:
maps does just what it is supposed to do; what's missing here is the reduce part:
count(Str) -> M = count_chars(Str, maps:new()), % maps part, bad naming
L = maps:to_list(M), % to be able to sum
N = [X || {_,X} <- L], % strip the numbers
lists:sum(N). % sum them up
count_chars([H|T], Map) when is_map(Map)->
N = maps:get(H, Map, 0),
count_chars(T, maps:put(H, N + 1, Map));
count_chars([], Map) -> Map.
Problem in match syntax.
Fof match use :=
. Example
test(#{ key := Test }) ->
And for associated key and value use =>
. Example:
M = #{ keynew => 123 }
I guess you are using R17 since this feature is available only from this version.
looking at some doc, my understanding is that you should write the code that way (I can't test it, I am still using R15 :o)
count_characters(Str) ->
count_characters(Str, #{}).
count_characters([H|T], #{ H := N } = X) ->
count_characters(T, X#{ H := N+1 });
count_characters([H|T], X) ->
count_characters(T, X#{ H => 1});
count_characters([], X) ->
%% API
count(Str) -> count_chars(Str, maps:new()).
count_chars([H|T], Map) when is_map(Map)->
N = maps:get(H, Map, 0),
count_chars(T, maps:put(H, N + 1, Map));
count_chars([], Map) -> Map.