
Symfony 3.4.0 Could not find any fixture services

2019-01-18 10:04发布


I am using Symfony 3.4.0, I try to load fixtures with:

php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

An error occurred while creating the data, what's wrong?


This command looks for all services tagged with doctrine.fixture.orm.
There is two ways to fix this problem.

First one: any class that implements ORMFixtureInterface will automatically be registered with this tag.


namespace AppBundle\DataFixtures\ORM;

use Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\ORMFixtureInterface;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager;

class LoadFixtures implements ORMFixtureInterface
    public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
        #your code

Second one: You need manually tag doctrine.fixture.orm to DataFixtures in sevice.yml configuration.


    # makes classes in src/AppBundle/DataFixtures available to be used as services
    # and have a tag that allows actions to type-hint services
        resource: '../../src/AppBundle/DataFixtures'
        tags: ['doctrine.fixture.orm']


I tried @Alexander's solution but it's doesn't work for me.

I had resolved the same problem by adding the tag service to the class, Symfony doc on the services.yml file bundle:


# Fixtures services
        tags: [doctrine.fixture.orm]

My BlogBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/PostFixture.php class :

use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\FixtureInterface;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager;

class PostFixture implements FixtureInterface
public function load(ObjectManager $manager)

Source Inspiration : Synfony doc -> Service container -> The autoconfigure Option

Hope it'll an alternative solution


Example for reusable bundle.


namespace Acme\Bundle\UserBundle\DataFixtures\ORM;

use Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\Fixture;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager;

class DataFixtures extends Fixture
     * Load data fixtures with the passed EntityManager
     * @param ObjectManager $manager
    public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
       #your code

in app/config/services.yml

     resource: '../../src/Acme/Bundle/UserBundle/DataFixtures/'

append your fixtures data:

php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --append




namespace ProductBundle\DataFixtures\ORM;

use Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\FixtureInterface;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager;
use ProductBundle\Entity\Product;

class ProductFixture implements FixtureInterface

    public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
       // create 20 products! Bam!
       for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
           $product = new Product();
           $product->setName('Product name' . $i);


The problem is solved it was necessary to add a service: (app/config/services.yml)

    # Product service
        resource: '../../src/ProductBundle/*'
        exclude: '../../src/ProductBundle/{Entity,Repository,Tests}'


use Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\Fixture

class ProductFixture extends Fixture implements FixtureInterface

see documentation: http://symfony.com/doc/current/bundles/DoctrineFixturesBundle/index.html


In 4.0.1 I have to implement service configuration to show Symfony my DataFixtures folder:

in config/services.yaml



        resource: '../src/DataFixtures'
        tags: [doctrine.fixture.orm]

if my class IMPLEMENTS FixtureInterface and without this config if it is EXTENDS Fixture


After long research, found a solution. This work with :

  • doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle: ^3.0,
  • Symfony ^3.3


  • Define your Fixture.
namespace Where\MyFixtureBundle\FileFolder\IsLocated;

use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\FixtureInterface;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager;
use Nao\UserBundle\Entity\User;

class LoadData implements FixtureInterface
     * Load data fixtures with the passed EntityManager
     * @param ObjectManager $manager
    public function load(ObjectManager $manager){
        $object = new Entity();



Next, define a service in the bundle's service.yml file or directly in "app/config/service.yml" (not recommanded)

# Fixtures service
    class: Full\Namespce\With\TheClassFixtureName
    tags: [doctrine.fixture.orm] <-- important

Don't forget, just to be sure the following

composer du -o or composer dump-autoload -o

Try to execute your command now for load your data fixtures.


I also had to update the app/AppKernel.php and added the following the the bundles array:

new Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\DoctrineFixturesBundle()


After read above comment, i found solution inside @GuRu answer's :

"Second one: You need manually tag doctrine.fixture.orm to DataFixtures in sevice.yml configuration".

Then implements ORMFixtureInterface in your fixtures class.

. in fact, we have to add additionnal configuration inside services.yml to solve it. Important to know, i notice this issue in version ~3.4 of symfony.

Best regard