What are the rules for using “Internal” parameters

2019-01-18 09:44发布


There is an option to create "Internal" parameters in SSRS:

  1. In what context are they used?
  2. What are the general rules for using internal parameters?


Internal Parameters in SSRS are parameters that are not configurable by the end-user at run-time.

This varies from a Hidden Parameter, which the user is not prompted to provide, but can still be configured through the URL to the report server.

Please see "Creating Report Parameters" on MSDN for more information.

One possible usage of them is in conjunction with the Report Viewer control. An ASP.Net page can contain the report viewer control, and use internal parameters in the code-behind to provide values to the report that the end-user should not be able to control, such as a UserID.

This can prevent the user from providing a different user's ID in order to see data that they shouldn't be allowed to view.

However, if you use an internal parameter in a report but want it to remain functional outside of the report viewer control, you'll want to specify an appropriate default value. Otherwise the report will be unusable from the Report Manager or Report Server.


If you set a parameter to Internal, it is not exposed in any way except in the report definition(dataset query or stored procedure). In other words Internal Parameter is a parameter that cannot be changed at runtime. An end user of a published report will never see this as a parameter.But a publisher can change parameter value any time in the manage options of the report. You can find the functionality of internal parameter with example in this link : https://sqlserverreportingservices.wordpress.com/2012/11/16/using-internal-parameters-to-filter-data-without-user-intervention/


If you set a parameter to Hidden, it will be visible when the user makes subscriptions on the Report Server but if you set a parameter to Internal, the user with a Browser role cannot see and change it.