Block a git branch from being pushed

2019-01-18 08:47发布


Here's the situation:

I have a public repository for my open-source app on However, now I'd like to write some specific code that will not be public (I might use it in a commercial version of my application).

I figured I could use the same repository, and I'd create a "private" branch in my git repository that I wouldn't push.

But, mistakes happen. Is there some way to forbid git from ever pushing a branch to remote servers?

If there's a better way to handle this situation, I would of course welcome any suggestions.


A slightly hackish solution: Make a dummy branch on GitHub with the same name as your real branch, and make sure it would not be a fast forward merge. That way, the push operation will fail.

Here's an example.

$ git clone
$ cd repo
$ git checkout -b secret
$ echo "This is just a dummy to prevent fast-forward merges" > dummy.txt
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Dummy"
$ git push origin secret

Now that the dummy branch is set up, we can recreate it locally to diverge from the one on GitHub.

$ git checkout master
$ git branch -D secret
$ git checkout -b secret
$ echo "This diverges from the GitHub branch" > new-stuff.txt
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "New stuff"

Now if we accidentally try to push, it will fail with a non-fast forward merge error:

$ git push origin secret
! [rejected]        secret -> secret (non-fast forward)
error: failed to push some refs to ‘’


Here's how the pre-push hook approach works, with a branch called dontpushthis.

Create this file as .git/hooks/pre-push:

if [[ `grep 'dontpushthis'` ]]; then 
  echo "You really don't want to push this branch. Aborting."
  exit 1

This works because the list of refs being pushed is passed on standard input. So this will also catch git push --all.

Make it executable.

Do this in every local repository.

When you try to push to that branch, you'll see:

$ git checkout dontpushthis
$ git push
You really don't want to push this branch. Aborting.
error: failed to push some refs to ''

Obviously this is as simple as it looks, and only prevents pushing the branch named "dontpushthis". So it's useful if you're trying to avoid directly pushing to an important branch, such as master.

If you're trying to solve the problem of preventing confidential information leaking, it might not be sufficient. For example, if you created a sub-branch from dontpushthis, that branch would not be detected. You'd need more sophisticated detection - you could look to see whether any of the commits on the "dontpushthis" branch were present on the current branch, for instance.

A safer solution

Looking at the question again, I think a better solution in this case would be:

  1. Have one repo which is public
  2. Clone that to a new working directory which is private
  3. Remove the remote (git remote rm origin) from that working directory.
  4. To merge public changes, just do git pull

This way, the private repo working directory never has anywhere it could push to. You essentially have a one-way valve of public information to private, but not back.


Why not simply use the example of pre-push provided with current git version?

The idea is to begin the commit message of the first commit of your private branch with the word PRIVATE:.

After setting the pre-push script, for every push it checks the commit messages of all the log of pushed refs. If they start with PRIVATE:, the push will be blocked.

Here are the steps:

  • Create a file in .git/hooks/pre-push
  • Give it execution rights
  • Past the following script in it

    IFS=' '
    while read local_ref local_sha remote_ref remote_sha
            if [ "$local_sha" = $z40 ]
                    # Handle delete
                    if [ "$remote_sha" = $z40 ]
                            # New branch, examine all commits
                            # Update to existing branch, examine new commits
                    # Check for WIP commit
                    commit=`git rev-list -n 1 --grep '^PRIVATE:' "$range"`
                    if [ -n "$commit" ]
                            echo "Error: Found PRIVATE commit in $local_ref."
                            echo "The commit is in the range $range."
                            echo "NOT pushing!"
                            exit 1
    exit 0

Example of failure

$ git push origin private/old-kalman-filter 
Found PRIVATE commit in refs/heads/myforbiddenbranch, the commit is in the range 
a15c7948676af80c95b96430e4240d53ff783455. NOT PUSHING!
error: failed to push some refs to 'remote:/path/to/remote/repo'

To make the branch pushable again, you can either remove the hook or, better, modify the commit message to remove the forbidden word.

This script can be modified to only consider one forbidden remote by checking remote_ref. But in that case, do not forget to copy this hook in all the repos allowed to receive this branch.


A touch up of the .git/hooks/pre-push script from @steve-bennett



    if grep -q "$branch_blocked"; then
        echo "Branch '$branch_blocked' is blocked by yourself." >&2
        exit 1


There are multiple solutions:

  1. Non technical, just adjust the license to a commercial one for your branch
  2. Make a private repository on github which contains your fork
  3. Make a git-hook on the server (afaik not possible with github)
  4. Write an wrapper for git-push to prevent the push with git push


You can create a branch that does not exist in your remote repository.

That way if you just do:

git push origin

it will push only branches that exist on the remote repository.

Also look into .git/config (within the local repository directory) file after creating the branch - you will see that every local branch can have different remote repository assigned. You can take advantage of that by assigning this branch to separate (private) repository, but the is not the universal solution (the branch still can be pushed to origin remote, if explicitly ordered to, or by command git push origin).


If you use GitHub, you can create a branch on GitHub with the same name as your branch. There is no need to push any commits to it, just make an empty branch off master or whatever (you can do it in the GitHub interface by typing the branch in the "branch" popdown and clicking create branch <branch-name>).

Then, go to the branch settings for the repository (e.g.,<user>/<repo>/settings/branches/<branch-name>) and enable branch protection for your branch. Be sure to check all the boxes, particularly, the require reviews or status checks boxes, which disallows the branch from being pushed to directly (it would have to be pushed from a pull request), and also be sure to check the box to include administrators.

Then GitHub will not allow you to push to the branch, even if you use -f. You'll get a message like

$ git push -f origin private
Enumerating objects: 5, done.
Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 981 bytes | 981.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects.
remote: error: GH006: Protected branch update failed for refs/heads/private.
remote: error: At least 1 approving review is required by reviewers with write access.
 ! [remote rejected] private -> private (protected branch hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to '<user>/<repo>.git'