我正在开发一个新的应用程序UWP应该监控的声音和触发一个事件的每个声音突然一击( 类似枪火或拍手 )。
- 它需要启用默认音频输入和监控实时音频。
- 识别环境噪声并认识击掌/枪火组音频灵敏度
- 当存在象拍手/枪火声音的高频率的声音( 在理想情况下它应该是这样配置的频率等+/- 40那么它是一个枪火/拍手 ),那么它应该调用一个事件。
public sealed partial class MyPage : Page
private async void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
string deviceId = Windows.Media.Devices.MediaDevice.GetDefaultAudioCaptureId(Windows.Media.Devices.AudioDeviceRole.Communications);
gameChatAudioStateMonitor = AudioStateMonitor.CreateForCaptureMonitoringWithCategoryAndDeviceId(MediaCategory.GameChat, deviceId);
gameChatAudioStateMonitor.SoundLevelChanged += GameChatSoundLevelChanged;
//other logic
声音级别更改 :
private void GameChatSoundLevelChanged(AudioStateMonitor sender, object args)
switch (sender.SoundLevel)
case SoundLevel.Full:
case SoundLevel.Muted:
case SoundLevel.Low:
// Audio capture should never be "ducked", only muted or full volume.
Debug.WriteLine("Unexpected audio state change.");
不知道这是正确的做法。 这是不是使音频与不打的电平变化事件。
我看到的WinForms&n音讯教程其他选择这里 。 可能与采样频率,我可以检查事件......不具备必须教您如何使用n音讯与UWP绘制图形和标识的频率。
从@Rob卡普兰其次建议 - MSFT,这里是我结束了
// We are initializing a COM interface for use within the namespace
// This interface allows access to memory at the byte level which we need to populate audio data that is generated
unsafe interface IMemoryBufferByteAccess
void GetBuffer(out byte* buffer, out uint capacity);
public sealed partial class GunFireMonitorPage : Page
private MainPage _rootPage;
public static GunFireMonitorPage Current;
private AudioGraph _graph;
private AudioDeviceOutputNode _deviceOutputNode;
private AudioFrameInputNode _frameInputNode;
public double Theta;
public DrivePage()
Current = this;
protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
_rootPage = MainPage.Current;
await CreateAudioGraph();
protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationEventArgs e)
private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
private unsafe AudioFrame GenerateAudioData(uint samples)
// Buffer size is (number of samples) * (size of each sample)
// We choose to generate single channel (mono) audio. For multi-channel, multiply by number of channels
uint bufferSize = samples * sizeof(float);
AudioFrame audioFrame = new AudioFrame(bufferSize);
using (AudioBuffer buffer = audioFrame.LockBuffer(AudioBufferAccessMode.Write))
using (IMemoryBufferReference reference = buffer.CreateReference())
// Get the buffer from the AudioFrame
// ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
// ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable
((IMemoryBufferByteAccess) reference).GetBuffer(out var dataInBytes, out var capacityInBytes);
// Cast to float since the data we are generating is float
var dataInFloat = (float*)dataInBytes;
float freq = 1000; // choosing to generate frequency of 1kHz
float amplitude = 0.3f;
int sampleRate = (int)_graph.EncodingProperties.SampleRate;
double sampleIncrement = (freq * (Math.PI * 2)) / sampleRate;
// Generate a 1kHz sine wave and populate the values in the memory buffer
for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++)
double sinValue = amplitude * Math.Sin(Theta);
dataInFloat[i] = (float)sinValue;
Theta += sampleIncrement;
return audioFrame;
private void node_QuantumStarted(AudioFrameInputNode sender, FrameInputNodeQuantumStartedEventArgs args)
// GenerateAudioData can provide PCM audio data by directly synthesizing it or reading from a file.
// Need to know how many samples are required. In this case, the node is running at the same rate as the rest of the graph
// For minimum latency, only provide the required amount of samples. Extra samples will introduce additional latency.
uint numSamplesNeeded = (uint)args.RequiredSamples;
if (numSamplesNeeded != 0)
AudioFrame audioData = GenerateAudioData(numSamplesNeeded);
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (generateButton.Content != null && generateButton.Content.Equals("Generate Audio"))
generateButton.Content = "Stop";
audioPipe.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue);
else if (generateButton.Content != null && generateButton.Content.Equals("Stop"))
generateButton.Content = "Generate Audio";
audioPipe.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 49, 49, 49));
private async Task CreateAudioGraph()
// Create an AudioGraph with default settings
AudioGraphSettings settings = new AudioGraphSettings(AudioRenderCategory.Media);
CreateAudioGraphResult result = await AudioGraph.CreateAsync(settings);
if (result.Status != AudioGraphCreationStatus.Success)
// Cannot create graph
_rootPage.NotifyUser($"AudioGraph Creation Error because {result.Status.ToString()}", NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
_graph = result.Graph;
// Create a device output node
CreateAudioDeviceOutputNodeResult deviceOutputNodeResult = await _graph.CreateDeviceOutputNodeAsync();
if (deviceOutputNodeResult.Status != AudioDeviceNodeCreationStatus.Success)
// Cannot create device output node
$"Audio Device Output unavailable because {deviceOutputNodeResult.Status.ToString()}", NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
speakerContainer.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
_deviceOutputNode = deviceOutputNodeResult.DeviceOutputNode;
_rootPage.NotifyUser("Device Output Node successfully created", NotifyType.StatusMessage);
speakerContainer.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
// Create the FrameInputNode at the same format as the graph, except explicitly set mono.
AudioEncodingProperties nodeEncodingProperties = _graph.EncodingProperties;
nodeEncodingProperties.ChannelCount = 1;
_frameInputNode = _graph.CreateFrameInputNode(nodeEncodingProperties);
frameContainer.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
// Initialize the Frame Input Node in the stopped state
// Hook up an event handler so we can start generating samples when needed
// This event is triggered when the node is required to provide data
_frameInputNode.QuantumStarted += node_QuantumStarted;
// Start the graph since we will only start/stop the frame input node
mc:Ignorable="d" Loaded="Page_Loaded"
Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
<ScrollViewer HorizontalAlignment="Center">
<StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Center">
<!-- more page content -->
<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Center">
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="55"></RowDefinition>
<AppBarButton x:Name="generateButton" Content="Generate Audio" Click="Button_Click" MinWidth="120" MinHeight="45" Margin="0,50,0,0"/>
<Border x:Name="frameContainer" BorderThickness="0" Background="#4A4A4A" MinWidth="120" MinHeight="45" Margin="0,20,0,0">
<TextBlock x:Name="frame" Text="Frame Input" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" />
<Rectangle x:Name="audioPipe" Margin="0,20,0,0" Height="10" MinWidth="160" Fill="#313131" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"/>
<Border x:Name="speakerContainer" BorderThickness="0" Background="#4A4A4A" MinWidth="120" MinHeight="45" Margin="0,20,0,0">
<TextBlock x:Name="speaker" Text="Output Device" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" />
没有生成的图形。 并不断有蜂鸣声与蓝线。 任何帮助是极大的赞赏
的帮助下AudioVisualizer ,我能够绘制虱子音频图。
AudioGraph _graph;
AudioDeviceInputNode _inputNode;
PlaybackSource _source;
SourceConverter _converter;
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
_rootPage = MainPage.Current;
_rootPage.SetDimensions(700, 600);
protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationEventArgs e)
_graph = null;
async void CreateAudioGraphAsync()
var graphResult = await AudioGraph.CreateAsync(new AudioGraphSettings(Windows.Media.Render.AudioRenderCategory.Media));
if (graphResult.Status != AudioGraphCreationStatus.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Graph creation failed {graphResult.Status}");
_graph = graphResult.Graph;
var inputNodeResult = await _graph.CreateDeviceInputNodeAsync(MediaCategory.Media);
if (inputNodeResult.Status == AudioDeviceNodeCreationStatus.Success)
_inputNode = inputNodeResult.DeviceInputNode;
_source = PlaybackSource.CreateFromAudioNode(_inputNode);
_converter = new SourceConverter
Source = _source.Source,
MinFrequency = 110.0f,
MaxFrequency = 3520.0f,
FrequencyCount = 12 * 5 * 5,
FrequencyScale = ScaleType.Linear,
SpectrumRiseTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20),
SpectrumFallTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200),
RmsRiseTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20),
RmsFallTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500),
ChannelCount = 1
// Note A2
// Note A7
// 5 octaves, 5 bars per note
// Use RMS to gate noise, fast rise slow fall
NotesSpectrum.Source = _converter;
_rootPage.NotifyUser("Cannot access microphone", NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
现在的挑战是如何在波的频率高于阈值我连线的事件? 在这种情况下,我想算的镜头,时间戳号和它的强度。
这里是我的现场录音 ,你可以在这里,当存在大的锤击(每秒或更少),我想打电话给一个事件。