I'd like to be able to subscribe to the events that are raised during a Sortable drag and drop operation (New in 3.6 Sortable Rows) as I need to persist this information back to storage. I've tried onstop and onstart from http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:jquery_ui_methods#drag_and_drop_rows_between_grids but it seems to only work with drop target being another table.
Thank you, Stephen
The Columns:
var col_names = ['Qty', 'SFC', 'Item Nbr', 'Brand', 'Product', 'Catalog', 'Price', 'UOM', 'Case', 'Remarks', 'Wt.', 'Par', 'Purchased', 'ProductId', 'SortPriority'];
var col_model = [
{ name: 'Quantity', index: 'Quantity', width: 22, sorttype: "number", editable: true, edittype: 'text', editoptions: { size: 10, maxlength: 15} },
{ name: 'ProductAttributes', index: 'ProductAttributes', width: 50 },
{ name: 'ItemNum', index: 'ItemNum', width: 50, align: "right" },
{ name: 'BrandName', index: 'BrandName', width: 100 },
{ name: 'ProducName', index: 'ProducName', width: 150 },
{ name: 'Catalog', index: 'Catalog', width: 100 },
{ name: 'Price', index: 'Price', width: 40, sorttype: "number", align: "right" },
{ name: 'UOM', index: 'UOM', width: 30 },
{ name: 'CasePack', index: 'CasePack', width: 30 },
{ name: 'PackageRemarks', index: 'PackageRemarks', width: 80 },
{ name: 'AveWeight', index: 'AveWeight', width: 30, align: "right" },
{ name: 'Par', index: 'Par', width: 25, align: "right", editable: true, edittype: 'text', editoptions: { size: 15, maxlength: 15} },
{ name: 'LastPurchaseDate', index: 'LastPurchaseDate', width: 40, align: "right" },
{ name: 'ProductId', index: 'ProductId', hidden: true, key: true },
{ name: 'SortPriority', index: 'SortPriority', hidden: true }
The Grid:
favoriteGrid = $('#favoriteGrid');
url: '/xxx/yyy/',
datatype: 'json',
ajaxGridOptions: { contentType: "application/json" },
jsonReader: {
id: "ProductId",
cell: "",
root: function (obj) { return obj.rows; },
page: function () { return 1; },
total: function () { return 1; },
records: function (obj) { return obj.rows.length; },
repeatitems: true
colNames: col_names,
colModel: col_model,
pager: $('#favoritePager'),
pginput: false,
rownumbers: true,
rownumWidth: 25,
rowNum: 1000,
autowidth: true,
height: '500px',
sortable: true, // enable column sorting
multiselect: true, // enable multiselct
gridview: true,
ignoreCase: true,
loadonce: true, // one ajax call per
loadui: 'block',
loadComplete: function () {
var gr = $('#favoriteGrid');
onSelectRow: function (id) {
if (id && id !== lastSel) {
lastSel = id;
favoriteGrid.editRow(id, true);
onstop: function (event, ui) {
}).jqGrid('navGrid', '#favoritePager',
{ add: false, edit: false, del: false, search: true, refresh: false },
{ multipleSearch: true, showQuery: false },
The table generated from jqGrid IS sortable, so I think it's a matter of using these jquery functions, after initialization.
$('#favoriteGrid').bind("sortstart", function (event, ui) {
$('#favoriteGrid').bind("sortstop", function (event, ui) {