我使用了一个存储过程来实现我想要的输出在一个商场/位置显示租户的monhtly销售报告。 该存储过程包含多个临时表(由于现有的数据库结构/架构的限制)来完成我需要完成。 该过程确实是成功的GridView。
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spName]
// parameters
@Location int, // the location number
@CurrentMonthStart date ,
@MonthCurrent varchar(20),
@MonthPrevious varchar(20)
//Using the CurrentMonthStart data, I formulated the other essential variable needed for the query to run
declare @PreviousMonthStart date
declare @PreviousMonthEnd date
declare @CurrentMonthEnd date
declare @query varchar (8000)
set @PreviousMonthStart = convert(varchar(10), DATEADD(m,-1, @CurrentMonthStart) , 101)
set @PreviousMonthEnd = convert(varchar(10), DATEADD(d,-1, @CurrentMonthStart) , 101)
set @CurrentMonthEnd = convert(varchar(10), DATEADD(d, -1, DATEADD(m,1, @CurrentMonthStart)) , 101)
// i used temp table several times
select b.tenantcode, b.date , SUM(a.other)as discount
INTO #NewDiscountTable
from DAILY a INNER JOIN DISCOUNT b on a.date = b.date and a.tenantcode = b.tenantcode
WHERE b.date between @PreviousMonthStart AND @CurrentMonthEnd and A.location = @Location
group by b.date, b.tenantcode
order by b.tenantcode
select tenantcode , SUM(discount) as Approved_Disc
into #NewDiscountTableFinal
from #NewDiscountTable
where date between @PreviousMonthStart AND @PreviousMonthEnd
group by tenantcode
select tenantcode , SUM(discount) as Approved_Disc2
into #NewDiscountTableFinal2
from #NewDiscountTable
where date between @CurrentMonthStart AND @CurrentMonthEnd
group by tenantcode
select b.sqm as 'FLOOR AREA/SQM', b.name as 'RETAIL PARTNERS' ,
convert(varchar(10), a.date, 101) as Date, datename(weekday, a.date) as Day,
((sum(a.cash) + SUM(a.charge) + SUM(a.gift)+ SUM(a.other)) - (SUM(a.surcharge))) as GSC,
a.location , a.tenantcode
into #NewDailySalesTenderTable
from TENANT b inner join LOCATION c on b.location=c.location inner join DAILY a on a.tenantcode=b.tenantcode
where a.location = @Location and b.status > 1 and
a.date BETWEEN @PreviousMonthStart and @CurrentMonthEnd
GROUP BY b.name, a.date , a.location , a.tenantcode , b.sqm
order by b.name, A.DATE
select [FLOOR AREA/SQM], [RETAIL PARTNERS] , Tenantcode, SUM(GSC) as GSCwithOtherDisc
into #NewDailySalesTenderTableFinal
from #NewDailySalesTenderTable
where date BETWEEN @PreviousMonthStart and @PreviousMonthEnd
GROUP BY [Retail Partners], tenantcode, [FLOOR AREA/SQM]
ORDER BY [Retail Partners]
select [FLOOR AREA/SQM], [RETAIL PARTNERS] , Tenantcode, SUM(GSC) as GSCwithOtherDisc2
into #NewDailySalesTenderTableFinal2
from #NewDailySalesTenderTable
where date between @CurrentMonthStart AND @CurrentMonthEnd
GROUP BY [Retail Partners], tenantcode, [FLOOR AREA/SQM]
ORDER BY [Retail Partners]
select A.[FLOOR AREA/SQM] , a.[Retail Partners],
case when a.tenantcode in (select d.tenantcode from #NewDiscountTableFinal2 d ) -- case within case kasi pag 0 yung divisor may error
then Round(((c.GSCwithOtherDisc2 - d.Approved_Disc2 )/(case when a.[FLOOR AREA/SQM] = 0 then null else (a.[FLOOR AREA/SQM]) end) ),0)
else Round(((c.GSCwithOtherDisc2 - 0)/ (case when a.[FLOOR AREA/SQM] = 0 then null else (a.[FLOOR AREA/SQM]) end) ),0)
end as 'SALES/SQM',
case when a.tenantcode in (select d.tenantcode from #NewDiscountTableFinal2 d )
then Round((c.GSCwithOtherDisc2 - d.Approved_Disc2 ),0)
else Round((c.GSCwithOtherDisc2 - 0),0)
end as CurrentMonth,
case when a.tenantcode in (select b.tenantcode from #NewDiscountTableFinal b )
then Round((a.GSCwithOtherDisc - b.Approved_Disc ),0)
else Round((a.GSCwithOtherDisc - 0),0)
end as PreviousMonth
--case when a.tenantcode in (select b.tenantcode from #NewDiscountTableFinal b )
--then Round((((((c.GSCwithOtherDisc2 - d.Approved_Disc2 )- (a.GSCwithOtherDisc - b.Approved_Disc )) / (a.GSCwithOtherDisc - b.Approved_Disc )) * 100)),0)
--else Round((C.GSCwithOtherDisc2 - 0),0)
--end as '%INC/DEC'
into #FinalResult
FROM #NewDailySalesTenderTableFinal a left join #NewDiscountTableFinal b on a.tenantcode = b.tenantcode join
#NewDailySalesTenderTableFinal2 c on a.tenantcode = c.tenantcode left join #NewDiscountTableFinal2 d on c.tenantcode = d.tenantcode
set @query = 'select [Retail Partners],[FLOOR AREA/SQM], ' +
'replace(convert(varchar,cast(([SALES/SQM]) as money),1), ''.00'','''') as ''SALES/SQM'',' +
'replace(convert(varchar,cast((CurrentMonth) as money),1), ''.00'','''') as ' + @MonthCurrent +
',replace(convert(varchar,cast((PreviousMonth) as money),1), ''.00'','''') as ' + @MonthPrevious +
',case when PreviousMonth = 0
then ''N/A''' +
'else replace(convert(varchar,cast(Round((((CurrentMonth-PreviousMonth)/ PreviousMonth ) *100),0) as money),1), ''.00'','''')
end as ''%INC/DEC'' ' +
'from #FinalResult '
问题出在哪里,从最后这部分从存储过程来,是冲突的根源我发现 。 在那里我做了参数部分 - @MonthCurrent和@MonthPrevious查询的生成列,这些列是基于用户的选择。 我注释掉那些部分,看看它是否会在水晶报表运行,它没有分离的问题。
set @query = 'select [Retail Partners],[FLOOR AREA/SQM], ' +
'replace(convert(varchar,cast(([SALES/SQM]) as money),1), ''.00'','''') as ''SALES/SQM'',' +
'replace(convert(varchar,cast((CurrentMonth) as money),1), ''.00'','''') as ' + @MonthCurrent +
',replace(convert(varchar,cast((PreviousMonth) as money),1), ''.00'','''') as ' + @MonthPrevious +
',case when PreviousMonth = 0
then ''N/A''' +
'else replace(convert(varchar,cast(Round((((CurrentMonth-PreviousMonth)/ PreviousMonth ) *100),0) as money),1), ''.00'','''')
end as ''%INC/DEC'' ' +
'from #FinalResult '
现在,我想也纳入同一个存储过程,这次使用上述SP作为我的数据源中的水晶报表,填充数据。 这里就是我已经开始
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//I pass the values of parameter from the page to the print page using Session
Label1.Text = Session["Location"].ToString();
int Loc = Convert.ToInt32(Label1.Text);
Label2.Text = Session["CurrentMonthStart"].ToString();
DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(Label2.Text);
Label3.Text = Session["MonthCurrent"].ToString();
Label4.Text = Session["MonthPrevious"].ToString();
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = report;
CrystalReportViewer1.ReuseParameterValuesOnRefresh = true;
report.SetParameterValue(0, Loc);
report.SetParameterValue(1, dt);
report.SetParameterValue(2, Label3.Text);
report.SetParameterValue(3, Label4.Text);
一个或多个字段不能在结果集中被发现。 使用验证数据库更新报告。 在文件MonthlySalesReport错误{0E90B4CE-8D1A-4712-BE05-9C1DC8CC9ADB}。RPT:行集列无法找到。