这个问题类似于有点无法创建Android虚拟设备 , 不同的是,我试图在Windows上 ,而不是Ubuntu的创建AVD, 一个更加不同的是,我可以没有错误创建的Android 2.2和2.3 AVD, 但未能创造ADV 4.x的 ,为什么呢?
我已经安装了4.x的SDK和API,无论如何 。
[2012-09-26 13:01:40 - SDK Manager] Warning: Ignoring add-on 'google_apis-10_r02': Unable to find base platform with API level '10'
[2012-09-26 13:01:40 - SDK Manager] Warning: Ignoring add-on 'google_apis-11_r01': Unable to find base platform with API level '11'
[2012-09-26 13:01:40 - SDK Manager] Warning: Ignoring add-on 'google_apis-12_r01': Unable to find base platform with API level '12'
[2012-09-26 13:01:40 - SDK Manager] Warning: Ignoring add-on 'google_apis-13_r01': Unable to find base platform with API level '13'
[2012-09-26 13:01:40 - SDK Manager] Warning: Ignoring add-on 'google_apis-5_r01': Unable to find base platform with API level '5'
[2012-09-26 13:01:40 - SDK Manager] Warning: Ignoring add-on 'google_apis-6_r01': Unable to find base platform with API level '6'
[2012-09-26 13:01:40 - SDK Manager] Warning: Ignoring add-on 'google_apis-7_r01': Unable to find base platform with API level '7'
[2012-09-26 13:02:16 - SDK Manager] Unable to find a 'userdata.img' file for ABI armeabi to copy into the AVD folder.