插入通过XML在SQL Server的多个表(Insertion into multiple tab

2019-11-01 02:03发布

我想要做的插入到多个表,即Customer, Account, AccountTransactions


  • Entity - Customer一对一
  • Customer - Account被映射为一对一
  • Account - AccountTransactions被映射为一对多

Entity(EntityId, EntityType) ENTITYID主键自动递增

Customer(CustomerId, FName, LName)客户ID = ENTITYID主键

Account(AccountId, AccountNo, CustomerId) ACCOUNTID PK,客户ID FK

AccountTransactions(TransactionId, PaymentDate, CurrentBalance, AccountId) TRANSACTIONID PK,FK ACCOUNTID


<CustomerList xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" >

我要插入到Customer, Account, Transaction表中的XML和在插入到客户每个客户其ID应该被保存回XML并在使用Account表的外键

我可以看到唯一的办法就是使用嵌套游标或嵌套while循环。 是否有任何更好的方法存在?

Answer 1:

假设您已经准备好正确的表 - 你绝对可以做一个迭代的方法没有任何凌乱的缺憾光标!

尝试这样的事情 - 这将处理客户和帐户现在,但你绝对可以这样延伸到交易了。

declare @input XML = '... your XML here .....';

CREATE TABLE #CustAcct (CustomerName VARCHAR(50), CustomerID INT, AcctNumber VARCHAR(50), AcctID INT);

-- first extract customer and account into from the XML, using a common table expression    
WITH CustomersAndAccounts AS
       CustomerName = CL.Cust.value('(CustomerName)[1]', 'varchar(50)'),
       AcctNumber = CL.Cust.value('(AccountNumber)[1]', 'varchar(50)')
       @input.nodes('/CustomerList/Customer') CL(Cust)
INSERT INTO #CustAcct(CustomerName, AcctNumber)
    SELECT CustomerName, AcctNUmber
    FROM CustomersAndAccounts

-- insert customers into 'Customer' table    
INSERT INTO Customer(CustomerName)
    SELECT CustomerName
    FROM #CustAcct

-- update the temporary working table with the appropriate ID's from the 'Customer' table    
UPDATE #CustAcct
SET CustomerID = c.CustomerID
FROM Customer c
WHERE #CustAcct.CustomerName = c.CustomerName

-- insert values into 'Account' table from the working table   
INSERT INTO Account(CustomerID, AccountNumber)
    SELECT CustomerID, AcctNumber
    FROM #CustAcct

-- update the working table from the values inserted
UPDATE #CustAcct
SET AcctID = a.AccountID
FROM Account a
WHERE #CustAcct.CustomerID = a.CustomerID AND #CustAcct.AcctNumber = a.AccountNumber



Answer 2:


如何将XML导入SQL Server和XML批量加载组件

文章来源: Insertion into multiple tables in sql server via xml