我已经编写了一个简单的Java游戏,有两个矩形的屏幕上的矩形举措之一,而另一个保持静止,移动矩形移动与键盘上的箭头输入,可以移动向上,向下,向左或向右。 我有画是我的矩形屏幕上的问题,我有我的变量设置,如下所示:
float buckyPositionX = 0;
float buckyPositionY = 0;
float shiftX = buckyPositionX + 320;//keeps user in the middle of the screem
float shiftY = buckyPositionY + 160;//the numbers are half of the screen size
//my two rectangles are shown under here
Float rectOne = new Rectangle2D.Float(shiftX, shiftY,90,90);
Float rectTwo = new Rectangle2D.Float(500 + buckyPositionX, 330 + buckyPositionY, 210, 150);
public void render(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, Graphics g) throws SlickException{
//draws the two rectangles on the screen
g.fillRect(rectOne.getX(), rectOne.getY(), rectOne.getWidth(), rectOne.getHeight());
g.fillRect(rectTwo.getX(), rectTwo.getY(), rectTwo.getWidth(), rectTwo.getHeight());
This method fillRect(float,float,float,float) in the type graphics is
not applicable for the arguments (double,double,double,double)