在DB2 SQL查询问题(problem with SQL query in DB2)

2019-10-30 03:47发布

我怎么能写在DB2 for以后的事查询:

当前时间戳和以dB为单位的时间戳字段之间的差应是> = 4小时,<=24小时

Answer 1:


select * 
from   table t
where  t.tscolumn between current timestamp - 4 hours 
                      and current timestamp - 24 hours


Answer 2:


select * from tableName where 
                 date <=  DATEADD(Hour, -4, CURRENT_TIME) and 
                 date date >=  DATEADD(Hour, -24, CURRENT_TIME)

Answer 3:

select * 
from   table t
where  timestampdiff(8,char(current timestamp - time_from_table)) between 4 and 24  

这里时间戳(8, - 是指小时,下面是用于不同的参数的值。


1   Fractions of a second
2   Seconds
4   Minutes
8   Hours
16  Days
32  Weeks
64  Months
128 Quarters
256 Years

文章来源: problem with SQL query in DB2