乔恩斯基特说,“事件不会委派的情况。” 在这里。 。 我不会问,如果我读了这个其他地方。
我的理解代表的概念,因此事件被证明是一个非常简单的概念。 我想继续和我的战斗有这些构建过程中添加由我唤出一个例子。 我加入了很多的意见更好地理解。 这意味着新的球员像我这样的:
namespace DoSomethingLibrary
*This is a public delegate declared at the base namespace level for global presence.
*The question is WHY do we need to have a DELEGATE here?
*The answer is: I do not want to implement the LOGGING logic. Why? Well, my consumers are many
*and all are equally demanding. They all need different types of logging. Some need HTML logging,
*some need XML logging for their custom log analyzer, some need plain text logging etc...
*This is hell for me. How am I going to support all their demands. I cannot. Thus, I ask them to
*implement LOGGING on their side. I am providing an INTERFACE(literal sense) in the guise of a DELEGATE.
*This is the hook that is needed for consumers to hook their custom loggers into the library.
public delegate void Logger(string firstParam, string secondParam);
public class PrintingManiac
public Logger printingManiacConsumerLoggerHook;
public void StartPrintingLikeAManiac()
for (int iterator = 0; iterator <= 3; iterator++)
/*This loop is an emulator which I am using to emulate some huge processing or some huge job.
*Let us imagine that this is a library that does some heavy data crunching OR some
*extremely complex data access job etc..
Console.WriteLine("Actual WORK - " + iterator.ToString());
/*After each step this library tries to LOG. But NOTE that this library
*has no LOGGER implemented. Instead, this library has judiciously DELEGATED
*the logging responsibilty to the CONSUMER of this library.
printingManiacConsumerLoggerHook("Actual Work", "Step " + iterator.ToString());
* Let us assume that I have purchased the DoSomethingLibrary DLL from a vendor.
* I have to add the DLL as a reference to my executable's project in Visual Studio.
* I also have to use the DoSomethingLibrary namespace to access the Logic in the DLL.
using DoSomethingLibrary;
namespace UnderstandingDelegates
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
* Creating an object of the lone class PrintingManiac in the DoSomethingLibrary
PrintingManiac newManiac = new PrintingManiac();
* HOOKING my custom logger to the DoSomethingLibrary DLL.
* I get the best of both the worlds. I have a well-tested and efficient library working for me
* AND I have the best logging avaliable.
* The DoSomethingLibrary DLL has no knowledge of what logging this executable is going to use.
* This executable has to just satisfy the requirements of the DELEGATE signature of DoSomethingLibrary DLL.
newManiac.printingManiacConsumerLoggerHook += new Logger(ClientsCustomizedLoggerTwo);
public static void ClientsCustomizedLoggerOne(string firstParam, string secondParam)
*This logger has '=' used as a decorator
*In real scenarios the logger may be very complex.
*Let us assume this is an HTML logger
Console.WriteLine("Delegated Logging IN CONSUMER code " + firstParam + " - " + secondParam);
public static void ClientsCustomizedLoggerTwo(string firstParam, string secondParam)
*This logger has '-' used as a decorator
*Let us assume this is an XML logger
Console.WriteLine("Delegated Logging IN CONSUMER code " + firstParam + " - " + secondParam);