星火窗口自定义函数 - 获取的分区记录总数(Spark window custom function

2019-10-29 08:50发布

我有一个时间序列数据集,它是由一个id分配,并通过时间戳排序。 样品:

  ID     Timestamp   Feature

 "XSC"   1986-05-21  44.7530
 "XSC"   1986-05-22  44.7530
 "XSC"   1986-05-23  23.5678

 "TM"    1982-03-08  22.2734
 "TM"    1982-03-09  22.1941
 "TM"    1982-03-10  22.0847
 "TM"    1982-03-11  22.1741
 "TM"    1982-03-12  22.1840
 "TM"    1982-03-15  22.1344

我有我需要计算一些自定义的逻辑,应该每个窗口中进行,在每个分区内。 我知道星火有窗口的功能,我想使用用于此目的的丰富的支持。

我的逻辑需要在当前窗口/分区元件的总数,作为标量。 我需要做一些特定的计算(基本上,一个for循环到那个数)。


val window = Window.partitionBy("id").orderBy("timestamp") 
frame = frame.withColumn("my_cnt", count(column).over(window))


var i = 1
var y = col("Feature")
var result = y
while (i < /* total number of records within each partition goes here */) {
    result = result + lit(1) * lag(y, i).over(window) + /* complex computation */
    i = i + 1
dataFrame.withColumn("Computed_Value", result)

我怎样才能获得的每个分区中记录该总数作为标量值? 我也有补充说,数“my_cnt”值,它增加了总价值为分区,但似乎没有能够在我的情况下使用它。

Answer 1:

collect_list星火功能允许您汇总窗值的列表。 这个列表可以传递给udf做一些复杂的计算


val data = List(
  ("XSC", "1986-05-21", 44.7530),
  ("XSC", "1986-05-22", 44.7530),
  ("XSC", "1986-05-23", 23.5678),
  ("TM", "1982-03-08", 22.2734),
  ("TM", "1982-03-09", 22.1941),
  ("TM", "1982-03-10", 22.0847),
  ("TM", "1982-03-11", 22.1741),
  ("TM", "1982-03-12", 22.1840),
  ("TM", "1982-03-15", 22.1344),
).toDF("id", "timestamp", "feature")
  .withColumn("timestamp", to_date('timestamp))


 val complexComputationUDF = udf((list: Seq[Row]) => {
    .map(row => (row.getString(0), row.getDate(1).getTime, row.getDouble(2)))
    .foldLeft(0.0) {
      case (acc, (id, timestamp, feature)) => acc + feature


val windowAll = Window.partitionBy("id")
val windowRunning = Window.partitionBy("id").orderBy("timestamp")


val newData = data
  // I assuming thatyou need id,timestamp & feature for the complex computattion. So I create a struct
  .withColumn("record", struct('id, 'timestamp, 'feature))
  // Collect all records in the partition as a list of tuples and pass them to the complexComupation
  // Collect records in a time ordered windows in the partition as a list of tuples and pass them to the complexComupation


|id |timestamp |feature|record                    |computedValueAll  |computedValueRunning|
|XSC|1986-05-21|44.753 |[XSC, 1986-05-21, 44.753] |113.07379999999999|44.753              |
|XSC|1986-05-22|44.753 |[XSC, 1986-05-22, 44.753] |113.07379999999999|89.506              |
|XSC|1986-05-23|23.5678|[XSC, 1986-05-23, 23.5678]|113.07379999999999|113.07379999999999  |
|TM |1982-03-08|22.2734|[TM, 1982-03-08, 22.2734] |133.0447          |22.2734             |
|TM |1982-03-09|22.1941|[TM, 1982-03-09, 22.1941] |133.0447          |44.4675             |
|TM |1982-03-10|22.0847|[TM, 1982-03-10, 22.0847] |133.0447          |66.5522             |
|TM |1982-03-11|22.1741|[TM, 1982-03-11, 22.1741] |133.0447          |88.7263             |
|TM |1982-03-12|22.184 |[TM, 1982-03-12, 22.184]  |133.0447          |110.91029999999999  |
|TM |1982-03-15|22.1344|[TM, 1982-03-15, 22.1344] |133.0447          |133.0447            |

文章来源: Spark window custom function - getting the total number of partition records