
在VBA用户定义的功能的通知错误(Circular Error in VBA User define

2019-10-29 08:13发布

我是新来的VBA编程和已经写了内插的VBA函数。 我尝试从小区C17和其他细胞输入列CTO功能“WindPressure”



Function WindPressure(z As Double) As Double

      Dim Row_Nos As Integer

      Dim x1 As Double
      Dim x2 As Double
      Dim x3 As Double

      Dim y1 As Double
      Dim y2 As Double
      Dim y3 As Double

      ' Select first line of data.

      ' Set Nos of row to interploate
      Row_Nos = 12

      ' Interpolation for Design Wind pressure
      For i = 0 To Row_Nos

         ' Case 1: <= 5m
         If i = 0 And z <= ActiveCell.Value Then

            WindPressure = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value

            ' Shifting Back
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select

            'Exit If Enter this if statement
            Exit Function

         ElseIf i >= 0 And z <= ActiveCell.Value Then

         ' Case 2: > 5m
            x1 = z

            x2 = ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Value

            x3 = ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0).Value

            y2 = ActiveCell.Offset(-2, 1).Value

            y3 = ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0).Value

            y1 = ((x1 - x3) / (x2 - x3) * (y2 - y3)) + y3
            WindPressure = y1

            ' Shifting Back
            ActiveCell.Offset(-1, -1).Select

            'Exit If Enter this if statement
            Exit Function

         End If
            ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
      Next i

End Function
  1. 谁能告诉我这一步在我的剧本是错误的
  2. 反正是有方便的测试功能? 因为它是不喜欢它通过点击按钮F5直接执行的过程


Answer 1:


Public Sub TestMe()

    Debug.Print windpressure(7)

End Sub

Function windpressure(z As Double) As Double

    'the rest of the function
'    Dim Row_Nos As Integer
'    Dim x1 As Double
'    Dim x2 As Double
'    Dim x3 As Double

End Function


另一种方式是写?WindPressure(7)在即时窗口,并把停车标志在VB编辑器。 它将由线走线。


Answer 2:

正如@ YowE3K指出,当函数试图修改环境调试于事无补。

所以,你的代码试图选择范围T13 ,它不能在UDF做。 在此之后的任何参考ActiveCell是错误的,并试图改变,因为你不能改变环境的活动单元格失败。

在一个侧面说明,你还没有把Option Explicit在模块的顶部,否则也会抱怨你没有声明的变量i

因此,而不是改变ActiveCell正好被设置为你所需要的单元格的引用。 当你使用ActiveCell使用范围参考代替。

Option Explicit

Function WindPressure(z As Double) As Double

      Dim Row_Nos As Integer

      Dim x1 As Double
      Dim x2 As Double
      Dim x3 As Double

      Dim y1 As Double
      Dim y2 As Double
      Dim y3 As Double

      Dim i As Long
      Dim rT13 As Range

      ' Select first line of data.
      'Range("T13").Select '**** Won't work in a UDF ****
      Set rT13 = Range("T13") 'Set a reference to T13 instead.

      ' Set Nos of row to interploate
      Row_Nos = 12

      ' Interpolation for Design Wind pressure
      For i = 0 To Row_Nos

         ' Case 1: <= 5m
         If i = 0 And z <= rT13.Value Then

            WindPressure = rT13.Offset(0, 1).Value

            'Exit If Enter this if statement
            Exit Function

         ElseIf i >= 0 And z <= rT13.Value Then

         ' Case 2: > 5m
            x1 = z

            x2 = rT13.Offset(-1, 0).Value

            x3 = rT13.Offset(2, 0).Value

            y2 = rT13.Offset(-2, 1).Value

            y3 = rT13.Offset(2, 0).Value

            y1 = ((x1 - x3) / (x2 - x3) * (y2 - y3)) + y3
            WindPressure = y1

            'Exit If Enter this if statement
            Exit Function

         End If
      Next i

End Function

要检查你的代码,你可以把一个破发点的Range("T13").Select并添加手表ActiveCell.Address -当代码到达行,你会看到ActiveCell保留您键入的公式的单元格成。

文章来源: Circular Error in VBA User defined Function