I am using morris.js (which has a dependency on raphael) for creating stacked bar graphs. For each stacked bar I want to show the split for the various levels in the bar as a tooltip. I tried using the hoverCallback:
but it doesn't seem to give me control over the particular element I am hovering over. I only get the content for that particular bar.
I have setup a JSBIN example for the same here:
When you hover over the bar it shows the index of the bar at the bottom. I want to show the content as a tool tip instead.JSBIN example
Piece of cake. Demo and code:
<script type="text/javascript">
element: 'bar-example',
data: [
{y: '2006',a: 100,b: 90},
{y: '2007',a: 75,b: 65},
{y: '2008',a: 50,b: 40},
{y: '2009',a: 75,b: 65},
{y: '2010',a: 50,b: 40},
{y: '2011',a: 75,b: 65},
{y: '2012',a: 100,b: 90}
hoverCallback: function(index, options, content) {
xkey: 'y',
ykeys: ['a', 'b'],
stacked: true,
labels: ['Series A', 'Series B'] // rename it for the 'onhover' caption change
For flying label, you need to add Morris CSS stylesheet to the code - demo
Flying labels works since version 0.4.3
{ y: ..., x: ..., label: "my own label"},'
hoverCallback: function(index, options, content) {
var data = options.data[index];
$(".morris-hover").html('<div>Custom label: ' + data.label + '</div>');
other params