升压几何联盟与自动分配(Boost geometry union with auto-allocat

2019-10-28 21:20发布

#include <iostream> 
#include <boost/geometry.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/register/point.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>

using namespace boost::geometry;

class CustomPoint{
    double X;
    double Y;

using cpPtr = boost::shared_ptr<CustomPoint>;

namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace traits {
    BOOST_GEOMETRY_DETAIL_SPECIALIZE_POINT_TRAITS(cpPtr, 2, double, cs::cartesian)

    template<> struct access<cpPtr, 0> {
        static inline double get(cpPtr const& p) { return p->X; }
        static inline void set(cpPtr& p, double const& value) { p->X = value; }
    template<> struct access<cpPtr, 1> {
        static inline double get(cpPtr const& p) { return p->Y; }
        static inline void set(cpPtr& p, double const& value) { p->Y = value; }

int main()
  std::vector<cpPtr> one,Two;
  //init polys
  std::vector< std::vector<cpPtr> > output;


你好,我试过一个boost :: shared_ptr的多边形。 问题是,当我做工会裁剪算法没有分配内存。 任何人都知道一个解决方案?

Answer 1:



  • 如果你有非常少点,再共享就不会出现是必不可少的
  • 如果你这样做 ,然后它会出现的shared_ptr(2X指针开销和原子引用计数锁)的开销将防止结垢。




template<typename T>
    struct shared_instancing : boost::shared_ptr<T> {
        using boost::shared_ptr<T>::shared_ptr;

        shared_instancing(boost::shared_ptr<T> sp = boost::make_shared<T>()) 
            : boost::shared_ptr<T>(sp)
        { }

正如你所看到的,它会默认建立一个新的实例; 看到它住在Coliru

#include <iostream> 
#include <boost/geometry.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/point_xy.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/polygon.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/register/point.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

using namespace boost::geometry;

struct CustomPoint{
    double X;
    double Y;

namespace {
    template<typename T>
        struct shared_instancing : boost::shared_ptr<T> {
            using boost::shared_ptr<T>::shared_ptr;

            shared_instancing(boost::shared_ptr<T> sp = boost::make_shared<T>()) 
                : boost::shared_ptr<T>(sp)
            { }

using cpPtr = shared_instancing<CustomPoint>; // boost::shared_ptr<CustomPoint>;

namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace traits {
    BOOST_GEOMETRY_DETAIL_SPECIALIZE_POINT_TRAITS(cpPtr, 2, double, cs::cartesian)

    template<> struct access<cpPtr, 0> {
        static inline double get(cpPtr const& p) { return p->X; }
        static inline void set(cpPtr& p, double const& value) { p->X = value; }
    template<> struct access<cpPtr, 1> {
        static inline double get(cpPtr const& p) { return p->Y; }
        static inline void set(cpPtr& p, double const& value) { p->Y = value; }

int main()
    typedef boost::geometry::model::polygon<cpPtr > polygon;

    polygon green, blue;

        "POLYGON((2 1.3,2.4 1.7,2.8 1.8,3.4 1.2,3.7 1.6,3.4 2,4.1 3,5.3 2.6,5.4 1.2,4.9 0.8,2.9 0.7,2 1.3)"
            "(4.0 2.0, 4.2 1.4, 4.8 1.9, 4.4 2.2, 4.0 2.0))", green);

        "POLYGON((4.0 -0.5 , 3.5 1.0 , 2.0 1.5 , 3.5 2.0 , 4.0 3.5 , 4.5 2.0 , 6.0 1.5 , 4.5 1.0 , 4.0 -0.5))", blue);

    std::vector<polygon> output;
    boost::geometry::union_(green, blue, output);

    int i = 0;
    std::cout << "green || blue:" << std::endl;
    for(polygon const& p: output)
        std::cout << i++ << ": " << boost::geometry::area(p) << std::endl;

文章来源: Boost geometry union with auto-allocation