子集数据框中,并与ggplot情节? [重复](Subset Dataframe and plo

2019-10-28 17:15发布

This question already has an answer here:

  • How to sort a dataframe by multiple column(s) 19 answers

I created a shiny app and need some help with the subset of my data. I insert a dateRangeInput where the client can filter between a start and end date. This filter is included into my ggplot code, so that the plot always automatically changes when a different date is selected. My problem is it does not filter based on the selected date, the data of partC. The problem is this line of code: geom_line(aes(x = Date, y = OLS.Data[partC]), color="red"). partC is a variable that connects to selectinputs to have access to my dataframe. Example: Client selects input1 = Informed and input2 = Full, partC makes InformedFull (which is the name of one column of my dataset) and so on. So partC is just a a connector of the two inputs, and this is my problem. If I put into my geom_line this code e.g geom_line(aes(x = Date, y = InformedFull), color="red"), instead the above everything works perfect, but I need it with partC.

Here is my ui.R code (only necessary part):

          title = "Controls-0", 
          status = "primary", 
          solidHeader = TRUE,
          width = 3,
          height = 142,
          dateRangeInput("daterange", "SELECT DATE:", start = min(OLS.Data$Date), end = max(OLS.Data$Date))

              title = "Investor Control", 
              status = "primary", 
              solidHeader = TRUE,
              width = 3,
              selectInput("investor", label="Select Investor", choices = list("Informed" = "Informed", "Noise" = "Noise"), selected = "Informed")

              title = "Category Control", 
              status = "primary", 
              solidHeader = TRUE,
              width = 3,
              selectInput("category", label="Select Category", choices = list("Full" = "Full", "Fact" = "Fact", "Fact Positive" = "Fact.Pos", "Fact Negative" = "Fact.Neg", "Emotions" = "Emotions", "Emotions Fact" = "EmotionsFact"), selected = "Full")

Update server.R with ggplot:

server <- function(input, output) {

  partC = NULL


  observeEvent(input$investor, { 

  observeEvent(input$category, { 

  OLS.Data$InformedEmotionsFact <- as.numeric(as.character(OLS.Data$InformedEmotionsFact))
  OLS.Data$NoiseEmotionsFact <- as.numeric(as.character(OLS.Data$NoiseEmotionsFact))

  output$myPlotVisu <- renderPlot({

    OLS.Data %>%
      select(partC, NYSE,Date,Sector) %>%
      filter(Date >= input$daterange[1], Date <= input$daterange[2]) %>%
      ggplot(aes(x = Date, y = NYSE)) +
      geom_line() +
      ggtitle(paste(input$investor,input$category,sep = "")) +
      theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,face="bold")) +
      labs(x="Time",y="Return S&P500") +
      geom_line(aes(x = Date, y = OLS.Data[partC]), color="red")

Answer 1:

我不知道为什么你分配A部分/ B部分对全球环境,甚至两倍。 你不需要做。 我创建了一个reactiveValues对象,而不是,您存储的值(A部分,B部分和C部分)。 那么无论你在你的应用需要可以使用它们。

也许下面的例子将帮助您与您的代码。 我创建了一些假的数据吧。


## DATA #######################
DateSeq = seq(as.Date("1910/1/1"), as.Date("1911/1/1"), "days")

OLS.Data = data.frame(
  ID = 1:length(DateSeq),
  Date = DateSeq,
  NoiseEmotionsFact = sample(1:100,length(DateSeq), T),
  InformedEmotionsFact = sample(100:1000,length(DateSeq), T),
  InformedFull = sample(10:1000,length(DateSeq), T),
  NoiseFull = sample(50:5000,length(DateSeq), T),
  NoiseFact = sample(1:15,length(DateSeq), T),  
  NoiseFact.Pos = sample(100:110,length(DateSeq), T),
  NoiseFact.Pos = sample(10:200,length(DateSeq), T)

## UI #######################
ui <- {dashboardPage(
      title = "Controls-0", 
      status = "primary", 
      solidHeader = TRUE,
      width = 3,
      height = 142,
      dateRangeInput("daterange", "SELECT DATE:", start = min(OLS.Data$Date), end = max(OLS.Data$Date))
      title = "Alpha",
      sliderInput("alphaVisu", label = "Alpha :", min = 0, max = 1, value = 0.4, step = 0.1)

      title = "Investor Control", 
      status = "primary", 
      solidHeader = TRUE,
      width = 3,
      selectInput("investor", label="Select Investor", 
                  choices = list("Informed" = "Informed", "Noise" = "Noise"), selected = "Informed")

      title = "Category Control", 
      status = "primary", 
      solidHeader = TRUE,
      width = 3,
      selectInput("category", label="Select Category", 
                  choices = list("Full" = "Full", "Fact" = "Fact", "Fact Positive" = "Fact.Pos", 
                                 "Fact Negative" = "Fact.Neg", "Emotions" = "Emotions", 
                                 "Emotions Fact" = "EmotionsFact"), selected = "Full")

## SERVER #######################
server <- function(input, output) {

  ## Reactive Values ############
  parts <- reactiveValues(partA=NULL, partB=NULL, partC=NULL)

  ## Observe Events ############
  observeEvent(input$investor, { 
    parts$partA <- as.character(input$investor)
  observeEvent(input$category, { 
    parts$partB <- as.character(input$category)

  ## Plot ############
  output$myPlot <- renderPlot({

    parts$partC <- as.character(paste(parts$partA, parts$partB,sep=""))

    OLS.Data.filtered <-  OLS.Data %>%
      filter(Date >= input$daterange[1], Date <= input$daterange[2])


    OLS.Data.filtered %>% 
      ggplot(aes(x = Date, y = ID)) +
      geom_line() +
      ggtitle(paste("input$investor","input$category",sep = "")) +
      theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,face="bold")) +
      labs(x="Time",y="Return S&P500") +

      geom_line(aes(x = Date, y = OLS.Data.filtered[parts$partC]), color="red", 
                alpha = rep(as.numeric(input$alphaVisu), nrow(OLS.Data.filtered[parts$partC])))

shinyApp(ui, server)

文章来源: Subset Dataframe and plot with ggplot? [duplicate]