I have to automate an Android application, I am doing the same through Appium. The problem I am facing is after launching the Appium server, the app is getting installed in the emulator 4.4.2 and to inspect the element I am using UIAutomatorviewer which comes default with SDK. But while inspecting the element of the app, I am getting the error![enter image description here][1]
Error obtaining UI hierarchy
Reason:Error while obtaining UI hierarchy XML file.com.android.ddmlb.SynchException.Remote object doesn't exist.
I tried to find the solution so that I can inspect the element so that I can script, but in vain.
- Can someone please tell how to fix the issue so that I can inspect elements?
- Is there any other way I can inspect element in the app apart from using UIAutomator viewer?
After my tryst with the uiautomator viewer i came to know that we get the error only when:
appium server is running and we try to capture the screenshot using uiautomatorviewer.
So, whenever you want to use uiautomatorviewer make sure that server is in stopped state.
I fixed the same issue by using following methods.
(1) Connect your Android device to your development machines;
(2) Go to command line in terminal or DOS command line for Windows;
(3) Using "adb shell" into your Android devices;
(4) Change the user to root by input "su root" in command line;
(5) Change the access right to /data/local/tmp by input "chmod 777 /data/local/tmp";
(6) Go back to uiautomatorviewer and do screen shot again, the error should be gone;
I guess there are some file can't be access if it doesn't own right in /data/local/tmp.
Make sure everything on your screen is static. And flashing input cursor is also not allowed. Any painting actions will stop uiautomator from dumping current UI.
You can test by using following adb command:
adb shell uiautomator dump /data/local/tmp/uidump.xml
if the message ERROR: could not get idle state.
appears, you are suffering from this issue.
See lines 87 & 101 of DumpCommand
try {
uiAutomation.waitForIdle(1000, 1000 * 10);
} catch (TimeoutException re) {
System.err.println("ERROR: could not get idle state.");
Easiest solution..
Restart the device. Restart uiautomatorviewer.
Worked like a charm for me .... :P
Stop the Appium Server. Then try again. It works.
Answer to your question #2
You can inspect Android app directly from your real Android device.
You need to:
- Connect Android device to your computer/laptop
- Go to Android device Settings -> Enable Developer Options and Android debbuging
Please see here:
Start the app you wish to inspect in your Android device
Open up the Chrome browser on your computer/laptop and do a right click -> More Tools -> Inspect devices -> Click on your device -> (Click on Android device OK
to authorize) -> Click Inspect
Please see here:
That's it. Hope it helps!
I had the same problem because I used "adbd insecure". So I just disabled "adbd insecure", and reload uiautomatorviewer, everything is OK.
In case of rooted devices: Enable the root access in developer options for adb. Restart adb as root
we have to use device which has API level morethan 17 or jelly bean
I have spent over a week to resolve this issue. When you connect your device and using ASM 3.0, when screen is projected open the UIAutomator to capture the current android screen. Without Appium it should capture. For use Android Studio instead of android sdk. Uninstall and reinstall Android Studio. It is working perfect for me now.
Way to bypass the ERROR:
could not get idle state.
By using uiautomator to get uix and screenshot.
public class DeviceMethods extends UiAutomatorTestCase {
public void dump(){
try {
getUiDevice().dumpWindowHierarchy("window_dump.uix") ;
getUiDevice().takeScreenshot(new File("/data/local/tmp/window_dump.png"));
} catch (Exception e) {
you need to create the uiautomator jar and push it to /data/local/tmp
use this tutorial on how to use uiautomator
after you get the files just open them in uiautomatorviewer
I got also the same issue (Also if Appium Server was not running). After switch, OFF / ON USB-Debugging was working for me.
I got it resolved
I closed the Appium Server running on my machine and opened it again.
Later open uiautomater, and it worked for me
What worked for me:
stop appium
open an emulator device (tested with Android 7.1.1)
go into settings > developer options > Enable view attribute inspection
open a shell on the computer, cmd or terminal depending on your OS
enter the following commands:
adb shell
cd /data
cd /local
chmod 777 tmp
start uiautomatorviewer
take an xml screenshot
"su chmod 777 /data/local/tmp" didnt work for me so I drilled down and it worked.
I assume that you have to do this in an emulator and not a physical device unless the device is rooted. ¯ \ _ (ツ)_/¯
Lotsa Luck!
This happens because adb is using port and it's blocked by appium server.
I have found out best solution for this
Kill the adb.exe from taskbar processes and try launching uiautomatorviewer again
Check whether you have enabled these under "developer options" in the phone.
- Verify apps via USB
- View attribute inspection
- USB debugging
1) stop appium Server
2) open an emulator device
3) go into settings > developer options > Enable view attribute inspection
4) developer options in invisible? Go into settings > Tap on About device/phone > Scroll down till the last option(Build number) > Continuously Tap on "Build number" for 7 times > you should get an Toast message "You're a developer" > come back from that screen > Go back into settings > Now you should see developer options Tap on it > Enable view attribute inspection
5) You should no more get this error message
The one that works is in this path:
Paste this in your terminal and it will run automator that works
try switching Off and then ON the USB debugging option.. this work for me