I have three Visual Studio solutions. The first is configured to build as Release, and the other two are set to build as Debug.
When running a simple MSBuild script explicitly stating the configuration to build (Debug), the first project is still built as Release.
Sample script:
<Target Name="Build">
<ProjectToBuild Include="$(SolutionsPath)\Solution1.sln"/>
<ProjectToBuild Include="$(SolutionsPath)\Core\Solution2.sln"/>
<ProjectToBuild Include="$(SolutionsPath)\UI\Solution3.sln"/>
<MSBuild Projects="@(ProjectToBuild)"
Properties="Configuration=Debug;Platform=Any CPU"/>
I have tried variations of the above such as the following, but I always end up with the same result.
<Target Name="Build">
<ProjectToBuild Include="$(SolutionsPath)\Solution1.sln">
<ProjectToBuild Include="$(SolutionsPath)\Core\Solution2.sln">
<ProjectToBuild Include="$(SolutionsPath)\UI\Solution3.sln">
<MSBuild Projects="@(ProjectToBuild)"
Properties="Platform=Any CPU"/>
I note there is a similar question, MSBuild task - Build fails because one solution being built in release instead of debug, but that is specific to TFS and Teambuild. I am talking pure MSBuild with a simple project file created from scratch.
How can I fix this problem?