如何知道标签的最后一行的宽度是多少?(How to know the width of last l

2019-10-23 04:35发布





Answer 1:

  1. 设置文本UILabel
  2. 得到这个宽度UILabelyourUILabel .frame.width
  3. 设置你的x坐标UIImageyourUILabel.frame.width + emptySpace这样

     var yourUIImageView:UIImageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRectMake(x:PaddingFromLeft + yourUILabel.frame.width + emptySpace, y: yourYCoordinate, width: yourImageWidth, height : yourImageHeight)) 

Answer 2:


var attachment = NSTextAttachment()
attachment.image = UIImage(named: "your_image_name")

var attributedString = NSAttributedString(attachment: attachment)
var labelString= NSMutableAttributedString(string: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame...")

yourUILabel.attributedText = labelString

Answer 3:

我设法解决这个问题。 这不是最漂亮的代码,但它的工作原理。 我从标签的最后一行,从中我可以计算从文本的结束位置的宽度和图像开始(X,Y)坐标返回字的数目。

func lastWordInTitle(title: String) -> Int {
    var separateWords: [String] = []
    var sizeOfWords: [CGFloat] = []
    var wordsRemaining: Int = 0
    var wordsWidthInOneLine: CGFloat = 0

    let font = titleLabel.font
    let fontAttr = [NSAttributedStringKey.font: font]

    title.enumerateSubstrings(in: title.startIndex..<title.endIndex, options: .byWords) { (substring, _, _, _) in
        if let substring = substring {
            separateWords.append(substring) // number of words in label
            sizeOfWords.append(substring.size(withAttributes: fontAttr).width + 8) //size of each word + 8 for the space between them
    wordsRemaining = separateWords.count
    print("SSS wordsRemaining initial \(wordsRemaining)")
    var wordsToRemoveIndex = 0

    for index in 0..<separateWords.count {
        wordsWidthInOneLine += sizeOfWords[index]
        wordsToRemoveIndex += 1
        if wordsWidthInOneLine > titleLabel.frame.width {
            if index == separateWords.count - 1  {
                wordsRemaining -= wordsToRemoveIndex
                return 1
            } else {
                wordsRemaining -= wordsToRemoveIndex - 1 == 0 ? 1 : wordsToRemoveIndex - 1
                wordsToRemoveIndex = 0
                wordsWidthInOneLine = 0
                wordsWidthInOneLine = sizeOfWords[index]

        } else if wordsWidthInOneLine < titleLabel.frame.width && index == separateWords.count - 1 {
            let reversedSeparateWordsSize = Array(sizeOfWords.reversed())
            var width: CGFloat = 0
            for index in 0..<wordsRemaining {
                width += reversedSeparateWordsSize[index]
            if width > titleLabel.frame.width {
                return wordsRemaining - 1
            return wordsRemaining

    return wordsRemaining

Answer 4:



文章来源: How to know the width of last line of label?