IOS:当本地通知在后台接到电话的方法(IOS:Call method when local not

2019-10-22 16:14发布


1) connected the app to smart watch.

2) schedule the local notifications i. e when user needs to take

3) when the schedule time arrives local notification fires and
delegate method is calling (did receive local notification)

4) At the time of  firing local notifications i am sending
message(sms) to the user from the app  that he has to take certain


对此有任何解决方案? 任何帮助将受到欢迎! Thnxx!

Answer 1:

你将需要显式地运行在UIBackgroundTask方法。 见下面例子:

    UIApplication * application = [UIApplication sharedApplication];
    UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier background_task;
    background_task = [application beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^ {
        [application endBackgroundTask: background_task];
        background_task = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;

    // your method call here

    [application endBackgroundTask: background_task];
    background_task = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;

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文章来源: IOS:Call method when local notification is received in background