自动分组在SAS与组内方差最小化(Automated grouping in SAS with mi

2019-10-22 07:56发布

所以,我试图建立自动分组。 我们的目标是选择具有最小方差分组设置。


GROUP 1: 1997 - x
GROUP 2: x+1 - y
GROUP 3: y+1 - 1994

使得(方差(的SUM Response Group1中),方差( Response在第2组),方差( Response于组3))被最小化。

data maindat;
input  Year Response ;
1994    -4.300511714
1994    -9.646920963
1994    -15.86956805
1993    -16.14857235
1993    -13.05797186
1993    -13.80941206
1992    -3.521394503
1992    -1.102526302
1992    -0.137573583
1992    2.669238665
1992    -9.540489193
1992    -19.27474303
1992    -3.527077011
1991    1.676464068
1991    -2.238822314
1991    4.663079037
1991    -5.346920963
1990    -8.543723186
1990    0.507460641
1990    0.995302284
1990    0.464194011
1989    4.728791571
1989    5.578685423
1988    2.771297564
1988    7.109159247
1987    15.96059456
1987    2.985292226
1986    -4.301136971
1985    5.854674875
1985    5.797294021
1984    4.393329025
1983    -6.622580905
1982    0.268500302
1977    12.23062252


1st do loop (1st iteration): Group 1    1977 - 1977    1977 - 1977   1977 - 1977    …   1977 - 1977
2nd do loop:                 Group 2    1978 - 1978    1978 - 1979   1978 - 1980    …   1978 - 1993
Else:                        Group 3    1979 - 1994    1980 - 1994   1981 - 1994    …   1994 - 1994
1st do loop (2nd iteration): Group 1    1977 - 1978    1977 - 1978   1977 - 1978    …   1977 - 1978
2nd do loop:                 Group 2    1979 - 1979    1979 - 1980   1979 - 1981    …   1979 - 1993
Else                         Group 3    1980 - 1994    1981 - 1994   1982 - 1994    …   1994 - 1994
1st do loop (n-1th iteration) Group 1   1977 - 1991   1977 - 1991           
2nd do loop:                  Group 2   1992 - 1992   1992 - 1993           
Else                          Group 3   1993 - 1994   1994 - 1994           
1st do loop (nth iteration)   Group 1   1977 - 1992             
2nd do loop:                  Group 2   1993 - 1993             
Else                          Group 3   1994 - 1994             


Answer 1:

这是一个手册,详尽办法。 这应该解决您的问题,指出,但如果你想要更多的团体,或有更大的数据是没有接近问题的一个好办法。


/* Get the year bounds */
proc sql noprint;
    select min(year), max(year)
    into :yMin, :yMax
    from maindat;

/* Get all the boundaries */
data cutoffs;
    do min = &yMin. to &yMax.;
        do max = min + 1 to &yMax. + 1;
proc sql;
    /* Calculate all the variances */
    create table vars as
        var(b.Response) as var
    from cutoffs as a
    left join maindat as b
        on a.min <= b.year < a.max
    group by a.min, a.max;

    /* Get the sum of the variances for each set of 3 groups */
    create table want as
        a.min as a,
        b.min as b,
        c.min as c,
        c.max as d,
        sum(a.var, b.var, c.var) as sumVar
    from vars as a
    left join vars as b
        on a.max = b.min
    left join vars as c
        on b.max = c.min
    where a.min = &yMin. and c.max = &yMax. and a.var and b.var and c.var
    order by a.min, b.min, c.min;

    /* Output your answer (combine with previous step if you don't want the list) */
    select * 
    from want
    where sumVar in (select min(sumVar) from want);

Answer 2:

SRSwift的答案可能是你所提供的问题,最好的一个。 与标准算法,这里的难点是,你似乎并不有你的功能(响应的方差)的单一局部/全局最小,但有多个局部极小,导致它无法与相对较低的灵活性,工作非常好它具有与数据密度来调整。 这种事情很容易,如果你有很多的“年”可以的,你不是在一个时间跳过围绕1年跳过围绕五年或十位,以解决或什么(为了避免局部极小); 但只有一对夫妇十几年那是不切实际的。

这是一个核心的机器学习应用,集群节点的能力,并拥有多项解决方案。 您的特定人似乎吸引最简单的,一个我在一门课程,几年前的教训和找到很容易实现,如果你在几块想起来了。

  1. 定义要尽量减少,也就是说,minim_f功能。
  2. 定义一个函数,它接受您的数据,修改群集的质心(或任何限定簇)在一个方向上,也就是说,modif_f为一个质心通过量小。 (质心和方向应该是参数。)

然后调用minim_f和modif_f交替; 你叫minim_f,抓住它的价值,呼吁modif_f与一组参数; 然后检查minim_f,看看情况是否好转。 如果是这样,跟上这个方向去。 如果不是,从以前的迭代恢复到原始值,并尝试在modif_f不同的修改。 一直走,直到你找到当地的最低,这是希望全球最低。

这样做的确切机制而变化; 特别是,你可能会在一次调整一个或多个质心,你要搞清楚,以保持调整,直到没有更多的调整,将工作的正确途径。

我写这为您的数据的一个小例子; 它得出了同样的答案SRSwift的,虽然PROC来计算方差是不一样的,从SRSwift的程序。 我不是一个统计学家,不会说哪个是对的,但他们显然足够的工作同样,这并不重要。 煤矿是一个非常简单的实现这一点,并会提高从大大受益,但希望它解释了基本概念。

data maindat;
input  Year Response ;
1994    -4.300511714
1994    -9.646920963
1994    -15.86956805
1993    -16.14857235
1993    -13.05797186
1993    -13.80941206
1992    -3.521394503
1992    -1.102526302
1992    -0.137573583
1992    2.669238665
1992    -9.540489193
1992    -19.27474303
1992    -3.527077011
1991    1.676464068
1991    -2.238822314
1991    4.663079037
1991    -5.346920963
1990    -8.543723186
1990    0.507460641
1990    0.995302284
1990    0.464194011
1989    4.728791571
1989    5.578685423
1988    2.771297564
1988    7.109159247
1987    15.96059456
1987    2.985292226
1986    -4.301136971
1985    5.854674875
1985    5.797294021
1984    4.393329025
1983    -6.622580905
1982    0.268500302
1977    12.23062252

proc sort data=maindat;
  by year;

proc freq data=maindat;            * Start us off with a frequency table by year.;
tables year/out=yearfreq outcum;

data initial_clusters;             * Guess that the best starting point is 1/3 of the years for each cluster.;
  set yearfreq;
  cluster = floor(cum_pct/33.334)+1;

data cluster_years;                * Merge on the clusters;
  merge maindat initial_clusters(keep=year cluster);
  by year;

proc means data=cluster_years;     * And get that starting variance.;
  class cluster;
  types cluster;
  var response;
  output out=cluster_var var=;

data cluster_var_tot;              * Create our starting 'cumulative' file of variances;
  set cluster_var end=eof;
  if eof then output;
  keep total_var iter;

data current_clusters;             * And initialize the current cluster estimate to the initial clusters;
  set initial_clusters;

                                   * Here is our recursive cluster-testing macro.;
%macro try_cluster(cluster_adj=, cluster_new=,iter=1);
/* Here I include both MODIF_F and MINIM_F, largely because variable scoping is irritating if I separate them. */
/* But you can easily swap out the MINIM_F portion if needed to a different minimization function. */

/* This is MODIF_F, basically */
data adjusted_clusters;
  set current_clusters;
  by cluster;
  %if &cluster_adj. < &cluster_new. %then %do;
    if last.cluster 
  %else %do;
    if first.cluster
    and cluster=&cluster_adj. then cluster=&cluster_new.;

data cluster_years;
  merge maindat adjusted_clusters(keep=year cluster);
  by year;
/* end MODIF_F */

/* This would be MINIM_F if it were a function of its own */
proc means data=cluster_years noprint;   *Calculate variance by cluster;
  class cluster;
  types cluster;
  var response;
  output out=cluster_var var=;

data cluster_var_tot;                    
  set cluster_var_tot cluster_var indsname=dsn end=eof;
  retain last_var last_iter;
  if dsn='WORK.CLUSTER_VAR_TOT' then do;  *Keep the old cluster variances for history;
  else do;                                *Sum up the variance for this iteration;
     if eof then do;
       if last_var > total_var then smaller=1;   *If it is smaller...;
       else smaller=0;                    
       call symputx('smaller',smaller,'l');      *save smaller to a macro variable;
       if smaller=1 then output;                 *... then output it.;
  keep total_var iter;

/* End MINIM_F */

%if &smaller=1 %then %do;                        *If this iteration was better, then keep iterating, otherwise stop;
  data current_clusters;  
    set adjusted_clusters;                       *replace old clusters with better clusters; 
  %if &iter<10 %then %try_cluster(cluster_adj=&cluster_adj.,cluster_new=&cluster_new.,iter=&iter.+1);

%mend try_cluster;

* Let us try a few changes;
* That was just an example (that happens to work for this data); 
* This part would be greatly enhanced by some iteration testing and/or data-appropriate modifications;

* Now merge back on the 'current' clusters, since the current cluster_years is actually one worse;
data cluster_years;
  merge maindat current_clusters(keep=year cluster);
  by year;

* And get the variance just as a verification.;
proc means data=cluster_years;
  class cluster;
  types cluster;
  var response;
  output out=cluster_var var=;

文章来源: Automated grouping in SAS with minimizing variance within group