- 有没有在Java X ++和++ X之间的差异? 16个回答
- 前及在C,C ++,Java的后递增操作人员的行为,&C#[复制] 6个回答
int j = 1;
System.out.println(j-- + (++j / j++));
op1 = ++j (Since it is pre-increment, the value is 2, and j is 2)
op2 = j++ (Since it is post-increment, 2 is assigned and j is incremented to 3)
所以括号内的“/”操作的结果为2/2 = 1。然后是“+”操作:
op1 = j-- (Since it is Post-increment, the value is 3, and j is decremented to 2)
op2 = 1 (The result of the '/' was 1)
所以,结果应该是3 + 1 = 4。但是,当我评价这种表情,我越来越2.为什么出现这种情况?