,我想用一个新的颜色(150,57,80),以取代值(140,50,61)的每个像素的颜色。 如果任何人都可以请告知我怎么能做到这一点。
Answer 1:
%// Initialize vectors for old and new pixels tuplets
oldval = [140,50,61]
newval = [150,57,80]
%// Reshape the input array to a 2D array, so that each column would
%// reprsent one pixel color information.
B = reshape(permute(A,[3 1 2]),3,[])
%// Find out which columns match up with the oldval [3x1] values
matches = all(bsxfun(@eq,B,oldval(:)),1)
%// OR matches = matches = ismember(B',oldval(:)','rows')
%// Replace all those columns with the replicated versions of oldval
B(:,matches) = repmat(newval(:),1,sum(matches))
%// Reshape the 2D array back to the same size as input array
out = reshape(permute(B,[3 2 1]),size(A))
样品运行 -
>> A
A(:,:,1) =
140 140 140
40 140 140
A(:,:,2) =
50 20 50
50 50 50
A(:,:,3) =
61 65 61
61 61 61
>> out
out(:,:,1) =
150 140 150
40 150 150
out(:,:,2) =
57 20 57
50 57 57
out(:,:,3) =
80 65 80
61 80 80
Answer 2:
是我会解决它的办法。 不过,如果你不熟悉它,你可以提取图像的每个通道,使用三个逻辑口罩每个通道使用结合他们所有的logical
和。 做什么,会发现在你的图像的像素,以查找特定的RGB三元。
red = A(:,:,1); green = A(:,:,2); blue = A(:,:,3);
mred = red == 140; mgreen = green == 50; mblue = blue == 61;
final_mask = mred & mgreen & mblue;
red(final_mask) = 150; green(final_mask) = 57; blue(final_mask) = 80;
out = cat(3, red, green, blue);
文章来源: Replace a certain color in an image with another color Matlab