我的目标是使采用光栅化算法四的形象。 我一直尽可能:
- 在创建三维四
- 使用透视分割突出四元的顶点到屏幕上
- 从屏幕空间转换所得到的坐标栅格空间,并且COMPUT四边形的边界框在光栅空间
- 遍历该边框内的所有像素,如果当前像素P包含四中查不到。 为此,我正在使用一个简单的测试,其由服用顶点A和点P.我重复这个过程对所有4个边缘之间限定的四边形的边AB和矢量之间的点如果符号是相同的,那么该点位于四里。
我已经成功地实现了这个(见下面的代码)。 但我坚持,我想与基本上找到ST或我四的纹理坐标玩的剩余位。
- 我不知道是否有可能找到在光栅空间四当前像素P的坐标ST,再转换回成世界空间? 你能有人请指出我告诉我如何做到这一点的方向是正确的?
- 备选地如何可以计算包含在四像素的z或深度值。 我想这是涉及到发现的四点的坐标ST,然后插值顶点的z值?
PS:这不是一门功课。 我这样做是为了了解光栅化算法,并且恰恰是我现在卡住了,是位我不明白,我相信在GPU渲染管线涉及到某种逆投影,但我只是失去了在这一点上。 谢谢你的帮助。
Vec3f verts[4]; // vertices of the quad in world space
Vec2f vraster[4]; // vertices of the quad in raster space
uint8_t outside = 0; // is the quad in raster space visible at all?
Vec2i bmin(10e8), bmax(-10e8);
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
// transform unit quad to world position by transforming each
// one of its vertices by a transformation matrix (represented
// here by 3 unit vectors and a translation value)
verts[j].x = quads[j].x * right.x + quads[j].y * up.x + quads[j].z * forward.x + pt[i].x;
verts[j].y = quads[j].x * right.y + quads[j].y * up.y + quads[j].z * forward.y + pt[i].y;
verts[j].z = quads[j].x * right.z + quads[j].y * up.z + quads[j].z * forward.z + pt[i].z;
// project the vertices on the image plane (perspective divide)
verts[j].x /= -verts[j].z;
verts[j].y /= -verts[j].z;
// assume the image plane is 1 unit away from the eye
// and fov = 90 degrees, thus bottom-left and top-right
// coordinates of the screen are (-1,-1) and (1,1) respectively.
if (fabs(verts[j].x) > 1 || fabs(verts[j].y) > 1) outside |= (1 << j);
// convert image plane coordinates to raster
vraster[j].x = (int32_t)((verts[j].x + 1) * 0.5 * width);
vraster[j].y = (int32_t)((1 - (verts[j].y + 1) * 0.5) * width);
// compute box of the quad in raster space
if (vraster[j].x < bmin.x) bmin.x = (int)std::floor(vraster[j].x);
if (vraster[j].y < bmin.y) bmin.y = (int)std::floor(vraster[j].y);
if (vraster[j].x > bmax.x) bmax.x = (int)std::ceil(vraster[j].x);
if (vraster[j].y > bmax.y) bmax.y = (int)std::ceil(vraster[j].y);
// cull if all vertices are outside the canvas boundaries
if (outside == 0x0F) continue;
// precompute edge of quad
Vec2f edges[4];
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
edges[j] = vraster[(j + 1) % 4] - vraster[j];
// loop over all pixels contained in box
for (int32_t y = std::max(0, bmin.y); y <= std::min((int32_t)(width -1), bmax.y); ++y) {
for (int32_t x = std::max(0, bmin.x); x <= std::min((int32_t)(width -1), bmax.x); ++x) {
bool inside = true;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 4 && inside; ++j) {
Vec2f v = Vec2f(x + 0.5, y + 0.5) - vraster[j];
float d = edges[j].x * v.x + edges[j].y * v.y;
inside &= (d > 0);
// pixel is inside quad, mark in the image
if (inside) {
buffer[y * width + x] = 255;