Since the TabActivity is deprecated I tried to replace it with Fragments which has been already mentioned in developer android website. But as you guys already know there was an issue about replacing tabs with fragments, since there will be only one activity ,which is Fragment Activity, there is no back stack for each of the fragments and as you can see in the other SO questions most of the developers were saying that you need to manage your own custom back stack as a solution.
I have created and implemented my own custom back stack as you can see below, it works perfect I can track each fragment in each tab.
Fragment1 > Fragment2 > Fragment3
Fragment5 > Fragment6
According to navigation above, if I navigate from Fragment1 through Fragment 3 and After that If I change the tab to Tab2 to and come back to Tab1, I can still see the Fragment3 and I can even navigate back to Fragment1 with my custom back stack.
But the issue is, When I come back to Tab1 and see the Fragment3, the Fragment3 is re-created and I can not see the changes as I left behind before I change the tab to Tab2.
Here is my Custom back stack;
public static HashMap<String, Stack<Fragment>> customBackStack;
public static Stack<Fragment> simpleStack;
public static Stack<Fragment> contactStack;
public static Stack<Fragment> customStack;
public static Stack<Fragment> throttleStack;
public static Stack<Fragment> homeStack;
customBackStack = new HashMap<String, Stack<Fragment>>();
homeStack = new Stack<Fragment>();
simpleStack = new Stack<Fragment>();
contactStack = new Stack<Fragment>();
customStack = new Stack<Fragment>();
throttleStack = new Stack<Fragment>();
customBackStack.put("home", homeStack);
customBackStack.put("simple", simpleStack);
customBackStack.put("contacts", contactStack);
customBackStack.put("custom", customStack);
customBackStack.put("throttle", throttleStack);
And here is onTabChanged method;
public void onTabChanged(String tabId) {
TabInfo newTab = mTabs.get(tabId);
if (mLastTab != newTab) {
FragmentTransaction ft = mActivity.getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
if (mLastTab != null) {
if (mLastTab.fragment != null) {
if (newTab != null) {
if (newTab.fragment == null) {
if (!customBackStack.get(tabId).isEmpty()) {
Fragment fragment = customBackStack.get(tabId).pop();
ft.replace(mContainerId, fragment);
} else {
if (!customBackStack.get(tabId).isEmpty()) {
Fragment fragment = customBackStack.get(tabId).pop();
ft.replace(mContainerId, fragment);
mLastTab = newTab;
And here is onBackPressed;
public void onBackPressed() {
Stack<Fragment> stack = customBackStack.get(mTabHost.getCurrentTabTag());
if (stack.isEmpty()) {
} else {
Fragment fragment = stack.pop();
if (fragment.isVisible()) {
if (stack.isEmpty()) {
} else {
Fragment frg = stack.pop();
transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
transaction.setCustomAnimations(R.anim.slide_in_left, R.anim.slide_out_right,
R.anim.slide_in_right, R.anim.slide_out_left);
transaction.replace(, frg).commit();
} else {
getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, fragment).commit();
As a result, custom back stack works fine except the last fragment before changing the tab is getting re-created after coming back to the tab, its not resuming as like in tab activity.
Any idea how to solve it ?
You can find my sample Application here as a solution regarding to this issue.