I've been having problems programatically assigning permissions to Folders / Registry entries. I have managed to assign inheriting permissions using the following code:
FileSystemAccessRule rule = new FileSystemAccessRule(LOGON_USER_NAME, FileSystemRights.FullControl, InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit | InheritanceFlags.ObjectInherit, PropagationFlags.InheritOnly, AccessControlType.Allow);
DirectorySecurity security = new DirectorySecurity();
Directory.SetAccessControl(dir, security);
This correctly sets my file permissions on all the child folders i create as an administrator. However, it does not set the permissions on the dir
folder itself. I've played around with a fair few permutations for inheritance and propogation, but not had any joy.
For example, I have:
dir = %programfiles%\Test
If i have created a folder in test (%programfiles%\Test\SubFolder
), I have full permissions assigned to it for my user, but I do not have full permissions on %programfiles%\Test
. This is really annoying, as I would like to give my user full permissions to do whatever with the Test directory as well.
I am having similar problems with registry permissions, but I believe that if i can solve one, i can solve both of the outstanding issues.
Does anyone know how this can be resolved?