发布管理服务器的测试环境中的服务器的网络之外。 它可以通过HTTP来达到。 测试环境是运行在一个代理。 我已经改变了配置文件的配置,以确保通过代理作品加入这个连接:
<defaultProxy enabled="true"
<proxy usesystemdefault="True"
当我运行部署代理配置向导,一切成功。 日志文件显示没有错误。 然而,在扫描的发布管理客户端的新服务器时,服务器不会显示出来。
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Information - (3036, 5676) - Service is running under identity: <MACHINENAME>\<USERNAME>
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Information - (3036, 5676) - Deployer service is starting.
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - HeartBeat: Sending HeartBeat
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - HeartBeat: Starting Configuration Tests.
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - Initializing cache for user <MachineName>\<UserName>.
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - Loading profile for user <MachineName>\<UserName>.
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - Initializing cache for user <MachineName>\<UserName>.
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - Loading profile for user <MachineName>\<UserName>.
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - Initializing cache for user <MachineName>\<UserName>.
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - Loading profile for user <MachineName>\<UserName>.
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - Initializing cache for user <MachineName>\<UserName>.
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - Loading profile for user <MachineName>\<UserName>.
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - Initializing cache for user <MachineName>\<UserName>.
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - Loading profile for user <MachineName>\<UserName>.
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - Initializing cache for user <MachineName>\<UserName>.
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - Loading profile for user <MachineName>\<UserName>.
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Information - (3036, 5676) - HeartBeat: Communication Tests terminated. Results are:
Test 1 of 7 failed:
Communication with the Deployment Controller Web Service was not successful. The error received is: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Test 2 of 7 failed:
Communication with the database through the Deployment Controller Web Service was not successful. The error received during the test is: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Test 3 of 7 failed:
The account running this Windows Service is not a valid user in the Release Management Server. Please add the user and try again. For cross-domain scenarios using Shadow Accounts, add the local Shadow Account user to the Release Management Server. The error received during the test is: Root element is missing.
Test 5 of 7 failed:
Root element is missing.
Test 6 of 7 failed:
Root element is missing.
Test 7 of 7 failed:
The Deployer user (<MACHINENAME>\<USERNAME>) does not have access to the crypto store. On the server where the deployment agent is installed, navigate to this folder %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys and give read/write access to <MACHINENAME>\<USERNAME>.
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Information - (3036, 5676) - HeartBeat: HeartBeat timer is started.
9/3/2014 1:07:37 PM - Error - (3036, 5676) - Object already exists.
: \r\n\r\n at System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException.ThrowCryptographicException(Int32 hr)
at System.Security.Cryptography.Utils._CreateCSP(CspParameters param, Boolean randomKeyContainer, SafeProvHandle& hProv)
at System.Security.Cryptography.Utils.CreateProvHandle(CspParameters parameters, Boolean randomKeyContainer)
at System.Security.Cryptography.Utils.GetKeyPairHelper(CspAlgorithmType keyType, CspParameters parameters, Boolean randomKeyContainer, Int32 dwKeySize, SafeProvHandle& safeProvHandle, SafeKeyHandle& safeKeyHandle)
at System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.GetKeyPair()
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Data.Helpers.CryptoHelper.GenerateKeySet(String containerName)
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.DeploymentAgent.Services.Deployer.DeploymentEventFetcherBase..ctor(Double interval, String dnsName, String serverIpAddress, Action`3 deploymentProcessor, String cryptoContainerName)
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.DeploymentAgent.Services.Deployer.DeploymentEventFetcher..ctor(Double interval, String dnsName, String serverIpAddress, Action`3 deploymentProcessor)
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.DeploymentAgent.Services.Deployer.DeploymentEventFetcher..ctor(Double interval)
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.DeploymentAgent.Service.OnStart(String[] args)
9/3/2014 1:07:42 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - Initializing cache for user <MachineName>\<UserName>.
9/3/2014 1:07:42 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - Loading profile for user <MachineName>\<UserName>.
9/3/2014 1:07:42 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - Initializing cache for user <MachineName>\<UserName>.
9/3/2014 1:07:42 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - Loading profile for user <MachineName>\<UserName>.
9/3/2014 1:07:42 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - Initializing cache for user <MachineName>\<UserName>.
9/3/2014 1:07:42 PM - Verbose - (3036, 5676) - Loading profile for user <MachineName>\<UserName>.
9/3/2014 1:07:42 PM - Error - (3036, 5676) - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.: \r\n\r\n at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Data.Model.SystemSettings.LoadXml(Int32 id)
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Data.Model.ModelFactory.Load[T](Int32 id)
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.DeploymentAgent.Services.Deployer.HeartBeat.SetNewInterval()
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.DeploymentAgent.Services.Deployer.HeartBeat.TimerElapsed(Object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
9/3/2014 1:08:04 PM - Information - (3036, 5840) - Deployer service is stopped.
日志文件显示所有通信检查失败。 这是怎么回事了?
拔出钥匙后f92439b4a629bc3a41a69e308c从... MachineKeys文件夹的权限错误消失。 然而,我的部署代理仍不能连接到服务器。 这是日志文件显示:
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Information - (2712, 292) - Service is running under identity: <machinename>\<username>
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Information - (2712, 292) - Deployer service is starting.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - HeartBeat: Sending HeartBeat
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - HeartBeat: Starting Configuration Tests.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Initializing cache for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Loading profile for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Initializing cache for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Loading profile for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Initializing cache for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Loading profile for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Initializing cache for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Loading profile for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Initializing cache for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Loading profile for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Initializing cache for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Loading profile for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Information - (2712, 292) - HeartBeat: Communication Tests terminated. Results are:
Test 1 of 7 failed:
Communication with the Deployment Controller Web Service was not successful. The error received is: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Test 2 of 7 failed:
Communication with the database through the Deployment Controller Web Service was not successful. The error received during the test is: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Test 3 of 7 failed:
The account running this Windows Service is not a valid user in the Release Management Server. Please add the user and try again. For cross-domain scenarios using Shadow Accounts, add the local Shadow Account user to the Release Management Server. The error received during the test is: Root element is missing.
Test 5 of 7 failed:
Root element is missing.
Test 6 of 7 failed:
Root element is missing.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Information - (2712, 292) - HeartBeat: HeartBeat timer is started.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Initializing cache for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Loading profile for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Initializing cache for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Loading profile for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Initializing cache for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Loading profile for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Information - (2712, 292) - Deployment: Deployment Event Fetcher timer is started.
9/8/2014 8:37:40 AM - Information - (2712, 292) - Cleanup: Cleanup Service timer is started.
9/8/2014 8:37:45 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Initializing cache for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:45 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Loading profile for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:45 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Initializing cache for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:45 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Loading profile for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:45 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Initializing cache for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:45 AM - Verbose - (2712, 292) - Loading profile for user <machinename>\<username>.
9/8/2014 8:37:45 AM - Error - (2712, 292) - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.: \r\n\r\n at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Data.Model.SystemSettings.LoadXml(Int32 id)
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Data.Model.ModelFactory.Load[T](Int32 id)
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.DeploymentAgent.Services.Deployer.HeartBeat.SetNewInterval()
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.DeploymentAgent.Services.Deployer.HeartBeat.TimerElapsed(Object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
我创建影子账户,当我的Azure的虚拟机上安装代理,并使用相同的凭据,因为我用在这种情况下此设置工作。 我想这个问题有事情做与客户站点的代理配置。