NvCplGetThermalSettings来电nvcpl.dll假(C ++)(NvCplGet

2019-10-20 18:04发布


HINSTANCE lib = LoadLibraryA("nvcpl.dll");
    NvCplGetThermalSettings nvCplGetThermalSettings = reinterpret_cast<NvCplGetThermalSettings> (GetProcAddress(lib,"NvCplGetThermalSettings"));
    DWORD coreTemp,ambientTemp,upperLimit;
    int success = nvCplGetThermalSettings(0,&coreTemp,&ambientTemp,&upperLimit);
    if(!success) {
        printf("Call failed: %d\n", success);
    else {
        char text[128];
            "Core Temp:    %d°\n"
            "Ambient Temp:    %d°\n"
            "Upper Limit:    %d°",coreTemp,ambientTemp,upperLimit);
else {
     printf("Couldn't load library.\n");

该.dll文件被加载,是相对最新的(2013年),和应用,如GPU-Z能够显示这些信息,所以我知道这不是一个硬件/驱动程序问题。 任何想法表示赞赏提前。

Answer 1:

如果任何人有兴趣的解决方案,使用nvapi64.dll的伎俩,但需要使用非API特定对象复制一些结构,并通过头挖一些。 功能代码如下:

#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
typedef enum 
    NVAPI_THERMAL_TARGET_GPU           = 1,     //!< GPU core temperature requires NvPhysicalGpuHandle
    NVAPI_THERMAL_TARGET_MEMORY        = 2,     //!< GPU memory temperature requires NvPhysicalGpuHandle
    NVAPI_THERMAL_TARGET_POWER_SUPPLY  = 4,     //!< GPU power supply temperature requires NvPhysicalGpuHandle
    NVAPI_THERMAL_TARGET_BOARD         = 8,     //!< GPU board ambient temperature requires NvPhysicalGpuHandle
    NVAPI_THERMAL_TARGET_VCD_BOARD     = 9,     //!< Visual Computing Device Board temperature requires NvVisualComputingDeviceHandle
    NVAPI_THERMAL_TARGET_VCD_INLET     = 10,    //!< Visual Computing Device Inlet temperature requires NvVisualComputingDeviceHandle
    NVAPI_THERMAL_TARGET_VCD_OUTLET    = 11,    //!< Visual Computing Device Outlet temperature requires NvVisualComputingDeviceHandle

    NVAPI_THERMAL_TARGET_ALL           = 15,

typedef struct
    int   version;                //!< structure version 
    int   count;                  //!< number of associated thermal sensors
        int       controller;        //!< internal, ADM1032, MAX6649...
        int                       defaultMinTemp;    //!< The min default temperature value of the thermal sensor in degree Celsius 
        int                       defaultMaxTemp;    //!< The max default temperature value of the thermal sensor in degree Celsius 
        int                       currentTemp;       //!< The current temperature value of the thermal sensor in degree Celsius 
        NV_THERMAL_TARGET           target;            //!< Thermal sensor targeted @ GPU, memory, chipset, powersupply, Visual Computing Device, etc.


// magic numbers, do not change them

// function pointer types
typedef int *(*NvAPI_QueryInterface_t)(unsigned int offset);
typedef int (*NvAPI_Initialize_t)();
typedef int (*NvAPI_EnumPhysicalGPUs_t)(int **handles, int *count);
typedef int (*NvAPI_GPU_GetUsages_t)(int *handle, unsigned int *usages);
typedef int (*NvAPI_GPU_GetThermalSettings_t)(int *handle, int sensorIndex, NV_GPU_THERMAL_SETTINGS *temp);

int main()
    HMODULE hmod = LoadLibraryA("nvapi64.dll");
    if (hmod == NULL)
        std::cerr << "Couldn't find nvapi.dll" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    // nvapi.dll internal function pointers
    NvAPI_QueryInterface_t      NvAPI_QueryInterface     = NULL;
    NvAPI_Initialize_t          NvAPI_Initialize         = NULL;
    NvAPI_EnumPhysicalGPUs_t    NvAPI_EnumPhysicalGPUs   = NULL;
    NvAPI_GPU_GetUsages_t       NvAPI_GPU_GetUsages      = NULL;
    NvAPI_GPU_GetThermalSettings_t  NvAPI_GPU_GetThermalSettings = NULL;

    // nvapi_QueryInterface is a function used to retrieve other internal functions in nvapi.dll
    NvAPI_QueryInterface = (NvAPI_QueryInterface_t) GetProcAddress(hmod, "nvapi_QueryInterface");

    // some useful internal functions that aren't exported by nvapi.dll
    NvAPI_Initialize = (NvAPI_Initialize_t) (*NvAPI_QueryInterface)(0x0150E828);
    NvAPI_EnumPhysicalGPUs = (NvAPI_EnumPhysicalGPUs_t) (*NvAPI_QueryInterface)(0xE5AC921F);
    NvAPI_GPU_GetUsages = (NvAPI_GPU_GetUsages_t) (*NvAPI_QueryInterface)(0x189A1FDF);
    NvAPI_GPU_GetThermalSettings = (NvAPI_GPU_GetThermalSettings_t) (*NvAPI_QueryInterface)(0xE3640A56);

    if (NvAPI_Initialize == NULL || NvAPI_EnumPhysicalGPUs == NULL ||
        NvAPI_EnumPhysicalGPUs == NULL || NvAPI_GPU_GetUsages == NULL)
        std::cerr << "Couldn't get functions in nvapi.dll" << std::endl;
        return 2;

    // initialize NvAPI library, call it once before calling any other NvAPI functions
    NV_GPU_THERMAL_SETTINGS          nvgts;
    int          gpuCount = 0;
    int          gpuTemp;
    int         *gpuHandles[NVAPI_MAX_PHYSICAL_GPUS] = { NULL };
    unsigned int gpuUsages[NVAPI_MAX_USAGES_PER_GPU] = { 0 };

    // gpuUsages[0] must be this value, otherwise NvAPI_GPU_GetUsages won't work
    gpuUsages[0] = (NVAPI_MAX_USAGES_PER_GPU * 4) | 0x10000;

    (*NvAPI_EnumPhysicalGPUs)(gpuHandles, &gpuCount);
    nvgts.version = sizeof(NV_GPU_THERMAL_SETTINGS) | (1<<16);
    nvgts.count = 0;
    nvgts.sensor[0].controller = -1;
    nvgts.sensor[0].target = NVAPI_THERMAL_TARGET_GPU;

    // print GPU usage every second
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        (*NvAPI_GPU_GetThermalSettings)(gpuHandles[0], 0 ,&nvgts);
        printf("%d\n", nvgts.sensor[0].currentTemp);
        (*NvAPI_GPU_GetUsages)(gpuHandles[0], gpuUsages);
        int usage = gpuUsages[3];
        std::cout << "GPU Usage: " << usage << std::endl;

    return 0;

文章来源: NvCplGetThermalSettings call to nvcpl.dll returns false (C++)