
MonoDevelop的编辑器GUI设计(MonoDevelop editor GUI design

2019-10-20 14:18发布

我只是从他们的网站下载了MonoDevelop的源代码。 现在我想改变一些IDE的GUI元素。 一些研究之后,我发现,MonoDevelop中的GUI与GTK#制作。 但我不能找到一个可视化设计器来打开源文件并编辑GUI。 我曾尝试格莱德(不能打开源文件)和MonoDevelop中的Stetic GUI设计器(但一个不显示设计窗口)。


Answer 1:

It depends on which parts of the GUI in MonoDevelop you are interested in changing.

A lot of the dialogs and widgets are written in GTK# using MonoDevelop's Stetic GUI designer. You can usually tell which projects have GUI elements use the Stetic GUI designer since they have a gtk-gui directory with some generated files.

If you have the GTK# Visual Designer addin enabled in MonoDevelop you should see a User Interface folder in the Solution window. You should be able to open one of these files into the GTK# designer by double clicking them, or by right clicking and selecting Open.

In the screenshot below I have opened the FindInFilesDialog.

Some GUI parts are written in XWT, which does not have a designer. Other GUI parts are written by hand without any GUI designer and will not be able to be loaded by the GTK# designer since it expects a certain set of files to be available in the project.

文章来源: MonoDevelop editor GUI designer