Applicative is a Monoidal Functor :
mappend :: f -> f -> f
$ :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
<*> :: f(a -> b) -> f a -> f b
But I don't see any reference about Monoid in the definition of the Applicative typeclass, could you tell me why ?
Definition :
class Functor f => Applicative (f :: * -> *) where
pure :: a -> f a
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
GHC.Base.liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
(*>) :: f a -> f b -> f b
(<*) :: f a -> f b -> f a
{-# MINIMAL pure, ((<*>) | liftA2) #-}
No mention of that structural Monoid is provided in this definition, but when you do
> ("ab",(+1)) <*> ("cd", 5)
>("abcd", 6)
You can clearly see the use of a Structural Monoid "(,) String" when implementing this instance of Applicative.
Another example to show that a "Structural Monoid" is used :
Prelude Data.Monoid> (2::Integer,(+1)) <*> (1::Integer,5)
<interactive>:35:1: error:
• Could not deduce (Monoid Integer) arising from a use of ‘<*>’
from the context: Num b
bound by the inferred type of it :: Num b => (Integer, b)
at <interactive>:35:1-36
• In the expression: (2 :: Integer, (+ 1)) <*> (1 :: Integer, 5)
In an equation for ‘it’:
it = (2 :: Integer, (+ 1)) <*> (1 :: Integer, 5)
The monoid that's referred to with “monoidal functor” is not a Monoid
monoid, i.e. a value-level monoid. It's a type-level monoid instead. Namely, the boring product monoid
type Mempty = ()
type a <> b = (a,b)
(You may notice that this is not strictly speaking a monoid; it's only if you consider ((a,b),c)
and (a,(b,c))
as the same type. They are sure enough isomorphic.)
To see what this has to do with Applicative
, resp. monoidal functors, we need to write the class in other terms.
class Functor f => Monoidal f where
pureUnit :: f Mempty
fzip :: f a -> f b -> f (a<>b)
-- an even more “general nonsense”, equivalent formulation is
-- upure :: Mempty -> f Mempty
-- fzipt :: (f a<>f b) -> f (a<>b)
-- i.e. the functor maps a monoid to a monoid (in this case the same monoid).
-- That's really the mathematical idea behind this all.
class Functor f => Monoidal f where
pureUnit :: f ()
fzip :: f a -> f b -> f (a,b)
It's a simple exercise to define a generic instance of the standard Applicative
class in terms of Monoidal
, vice versa.
Regarding ("ab",(+1)) <*> ("cd", 5)
: that doesn't have much to do with Applicative
in general, but only with the writer applicative specifically. The instance is
instance Monoid a => Monoidal ((,) a) where
pureUnit = (mempty, ())
fzip (p,a) (q,b) = (p<>q, (a,b))
Perhaps the monoid you're looking for is this one.
newtype AppM f m = AppM (f m) deriving Show
instance (Applicative f, Monoid m) => Monoid (AppM f m) where
mempty = AppM (pure mempty)
mappend (AppM fx) (AppM fy) = AppM (pure mappend <*> fx <*> fy)
As a comment, below, observes, it can be found in the reducers library under the name Ap
. It's fundamental to Applicative
, so let's unpack it.
Note, in particular, that because ()
is trivially a Monoid
, AppM f ()
is a Monoid
, too. And that's the monoid lurking behind Applicative f
We could have insisted on Monoid (f ())
as a superclass of Applicative
, but that would have fouled things up royally.
> mappend (AppM [(),()]) (AppM [(),(),()])
AppM [(),(),(),(),(),()]
The monoid underlying Applicative []
is multiplication of natural numbers, whereas the ‘obvious’ monoidal structure for lists is concatenation, which specialises to addition of natural numbers.
Mathematics warning. Dependent types warning. Fake Haskell warning.
One way to see what's going on is to consider those Applicatives which happen to be containers in the dependently typed sense of Abbott, Altenkirch and Ghani. We'll have these in Haskell sometime soon. I'll just pretend the future has arrived.
data (<|) (s :: *)(p :: s -> *) (x :: *) where
(:<|:) :: pi (a :: s) -> (p a -> x) -> (s <| p) x
The data structure (s <| p)
is characterised by
- Shapes
which tell you what the container looks like.
- Positions
which tell you for a given shape where you can put data.
The above type says that to give data for such a structure is to pick a shape, then fill all the positions with data.
The container presentation of []
is Nat <| Fin
data Nat = Z | S Nat
data Fin (n :: Nat) where
FZ :: Fin (S n)
FS :: Fin n -> Fin (S n)
so that Fin n
has exactly n
values. That is, the shape of a list is its length, and that tells you how many elements you need to fill up the list.
You can find the shapes for a Haskell Functor f
by taking f ()
. By making the data trivial, the positions don't matter. Constructing the GADT of positions generically in Haskell is rather more difficult.
Parametricity tells us that a polymorphic function between containers in
forall x. (s <| p) x -> (s' <| p') x
must be given by
- a function
f :: s -> s'
mapping input shapes to output shapes
- a function
g :: pi (a :: s) -> p' (f a) -> p a
mapping (for a given input shape) output positions back to the input positions where the output element will come from.
morph f g (a :<|: d) = f a :<|: (d . g a)
(Secretly, those of us who have had our basic Hancock training also think of "shapes" as "commands" and "positions" as "valid responses". A morphism between containers is then exactly a "device driver". But I digress.)
Thinking along similar lines, what does it take to make a container Applicative
? For starters,
pure :: x -> (s <| p) x
which is equivalently
pure :: (() <| Const ()) x -> (s <| p) x
That has to be given by
f :: () -> s -- a constant in s
g :: pi (a :: ()) -> p (f ()) -> Const () a -- trivial
where f = const neutral
for some
neutral :: s
Now, what about
(<*>) :: (s <| p) (x -> y) -> (s <| p) x -> (s <| p) y
? Again, parametricity tells us two things. Firstly, the only useful data for calculating the output shapes are the two input shapes. We must have a function
outShape :: s -> s -> s
Secondly, the only way we can fill an output position with a y
is to pick a position from the first input to find a function in `x -> y' and then a position in the second input to obtain its argument.
inPos :: pi (a :: s)(b :: s) -> p (outShape a b) -> (p a, p b)
That is, we can always identify the pair of input positions which determine the output in an output position.
The applicative laws tell us that neutral
and outShape
must obey the monoid laws, and that, moreover, we can lift monoids as follows
mappend (a :<|: f) (b :<|: g) = outShape a b :<|: \ z ->
let (x, y) = inPos a b z
in mappend (f x) (g y)
There's something more to say here, but for that, I need to contrast two operations on containers.
(s <| p) . (s' <| p') = ((s <| p) s') <| \ (a :<|: f) -> Sigma (p a) (p' . f)
where Sigma
is the type of dependent pairs
data Sigma (p :: *)(q :: p -> *) where
Pair :: pi (a :: p) -> q a -> Sigma p q
What on earth does that mean?
- you choose an outer shape
- you choose an inner shape for each outer position
- a composite position is then the pair of an outer position and an inner position appropriate to the inner shape that sits there
Or, in Hancock
- you choose an outer command
- you can wait to see the outer response before choosing the inner command
- a composite response is then a response to the outer command, followed by a response to the inner command chosen by your strategy
Or, more blatantly
- when you make a list of lists, the inner lists can have different lengths
The join
of a Monad
flattens a composition. Lurking behind it is not just a monoid on shapes, but an integration operator. That is,
join :: ((s <| p) . (s <| p)) x -> (s <| p) x
integrate :: (s <| p) s -> s
Your free monad gives you strategy trees, where you can use the result of one command to choose the rest of your strategy. As if you're interacting at a 1970s teletype.
The tensor (also due to Hancock) of two containers is given by
(s <| p) >< (s' <| p') = (s, s') <| \ (a, b) -> (p a, p' b)
That is
- you choose two shapes
- a position is then a pair of positions, one for each shape
- you choose two commands, without seeing any responses
- a response is then the pair of responses
[] >< []
is the type of rectangular matrices: the ‘inner’ lists must all have the same length
The latter is a clue to why ><
is very hard to get your hands on in Haskell, but easy in the dependently typed setting.
Like composition, tensor is a monoid with the identity functor as its neutral element. If we replace the composition underlying Monad
by tensor, what do we get?
pure :: Id x -> (s <| p) x
mystery :: ((s <| p) >< (s <| p)) x -> (s <| p) x
But whatever can mystery
be? It's not a mystery, because we know there's a rather rigid way to make polymorphic functions between containers. There must be
f :: (s, s) -> s
g :: pi ((a, b) :: (s, s)) -> p (f (a, b)) -> (p a, p b)
and those are exactly what we said determined <*>
is the notion of effectful programming generated by tensor, where Monad
is generated by composition. The fact that you don't get to/need to wait for the outer response to choose the inner command is why Applicative
programs are more readily parallelizable.
Seeing [] >< []
as rectangular matrices tells us why <*>
for lists is built on top of multiplication.
The free applicative functor is the free monoid with knobs on. For containers,
Free (s <| p) = [s] <| All p
All p [] = ()
All p (x : xs) = (p x, All p xs)
So a "command" is a big list of commands, like a deck of punch cards. You don't get to see any output before you choose your card deck. The "response" is your lineprinter output. It's the 1960s.
So there you go. The very nature of Applicative
, tensor not composition, demands an underlying monoid, and a recombination of elements compatible with monoids.
I wanted to complement Conor McBride's (pigworker) instructive answer with some more examples of Monoid
s found in Applicative
It has been observed that the Applicative
instance of some functors resembles a corresponding Monoid
for example, we have the following analogies:
Applicative → Monoid
List → Product
Maybe → All
Either a → First a
State s → Endo s
Following Conor's comment, we can understand why we have these correspondences.
We use the following observations:
- The shape of an
container forms a Monoid
under the application operation <*>
- The shape of a functor
is given by F 1
(where 1
denotes the unit ()
For each of the Applicative
functors listed above, we compute their shape by instantiating the functor with the unit element.
We get that...
has the shape of Nat
List a = μ r . 1 + a × r
List 1 = μ r . 1 + 1 × r
≅ μ r . 1 + r
≅ Nat
has the shape of Bool
Maybe a = 1 + a
Maybe 1 = 1 + 1
≅ Bool
has the shape of Maybe
Either a b = a + b
Either a 1 = a + 1
≅ Maybe a
has the shape of Endo
State s a = (a × s) ^ s
State s 1 = (1 × s) ^ s
≅ s ^ s
≅ Endo s
The types of the shapes match precisely the types underlying the Monoid
s listed in the beginning.
One thing still puzzles me: some of these types admit multiple Monoid
instances (e.g., Bool
can be made into a Monoid
as All
or Any
) and I'm not entirely sure why we get one of the instances and not the other. My guess would be that this is related to the applicative laws and how they interact with the other component of the container – its positions.