我目前正在该浏览器和Web之间坐的代理。 一切正常,除了HTTPS。 我有麻烦了解它的一些段落,并没有发现网络上的资源。 所以我坚持。
conn, addr = server.accept()
request = conn.recv(9999) #get a CONNECT request
conn.send(b'HTTP/1.1 200 Connection estabilished\n\n')
enc_req = conn.recv(9999) #this gets an encrypted request
client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #plaintext client
client.connect((host, 443)) #connect to chosen host
resp1 = client.recv(9999) #this gets something unreadable (encrypted?)
#could it be the certificate?
#now what?
是resp1我得到证书? 而我需要什么后做什么? (或者说,这是相同的,这是什么,通常接下来以https发生什么呢?)
PS我知道这个问题有点普通,但请不要对我做出判断过于严厉。 我试着研究在网络上,但所有我一直发现是用于SSL的加密方法。 我真的不知道如何着手。
conn, addr = server.accept()
request = conn.recv(9999) #get a CONNECT request
# Here, parse the CONNECT string and get the host and port (not sure if you were doing that already.
# Then, try to connect *before* you tell the client the connection was established (in case it fails)
client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #plaintext client
client.connect((host, 443)) #connect to chosen host
conn.send(b'HTTP/1.1 200 Connection estabilished\n\n')
# Then loop until the connections are closed.
while True:
# Read from the client, send the data to the server.
enc_req = conn.recv(9999) #this gets an encrypted request
# Read from the server, send the data to the client.
resp1 = client.recv(9999) #this gets something unreadable (encrypted?)
#could it be the certificate?
#now what?
# The first time it's certainly the Client Hello message, not encrypted, but in a binary format indeed.
# Just send everything you've just read to the server.
这是你需要编写循环的想法只是一个简要概述。 在现实中,你可能能够既并行处理。 您还会希望关闭连接(允许其以任何顺序发生,同时还中继由任何一方发出的最后的数据)时要更加小心一点。
#!/usr/bin/env python
from uuid import uuid4 as uuid
from circuits import Component
from circuits.net.events import close, connect, write
from circuits.net.sockets import TCPClient, TCPServer
class Client(Component):
channel = "client"
def init(self, sock, host, port, channel=channel):
self.sock = sock
self.host = host
self.port = port
def ready(self, *args):
self.fire(connect(self.host, self.port))
def disconnect(self, *args):
self.fire(close(self.sock), self.parent.channel)
def read(self, data):
self.fire(write(self.sock, data), self.parent.channel)
class Proxy(Component):
channel = "server"
def init(self, bind, host, port):
self.bind = bind
self.host = host
self.port = port
self.clients = dict()
def connect(self, sock, host, port):
channel = uuid()
client = Client(
sock, self.host, self.port, channel=channel
self.clients[sock] = client
def disconnect(self, sock):
client = self.clients.get(sock)
if client is not None:
del self.clients[sock]
def read(self, sock, data):
client = self.clients[sock]
self.fire(write(data), client.channel)
app = Proxy(("", 3333), "", 22)
from circuits import Debugger