在Python线性规划:“模块”对象没有属性“LPX”(Linear programming in

2019-10-19 07:20发布

对于Django的网站,我用托马斯·芬利的GLPK Python库( http://tfinley.net/software/pyglpk/glpk.html#LPX )来解决整数线性规划。 我顺着他的教程(见“简单的例子” http://tfinley.net/software/pyglpk/discussion.html或在文章底部),以建立我的情况,但我的系统的更新后(和我假设,蟒蛇,GLPK)现在我得到这个错误:

----> 1 lp = glpk.LPX()

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'LPX'


import glpk            # Import the GLPK module
lp = glpk.LPX()        # Create empty problem instance
lp.name = 'sample'     # Assign symbolic name to problem
lp.obj.maximize = True # Set this as a maximization problem
lp.rows.add(3)         # Append three rows to this instance
for r in lp.rows:      # Iterate over all rows
r.name = chr(ord('p')+r.index) # Name them p, q, and r
lp.rows[0].bounds = None, 100.0  # Set bound -inf < p <= 100
lp.rows[1].bounds = None, 600.0  # Set bound -inf < q <= 600
lp.rows[2].bounds = None, 300.0  # Set bound -inf < r <= 300
lp.cols.add(3)         # Append three columns to this instance
for c in lp.cols:      # Iterate over all columns
    c.name = 'x%d' % c.index # Name them x0, x1, and x2
    c.bounds = 0.0, None     # Set bound 0 <= xi < inf
lp.obj[:] = [ 10.0, 6.0, 4.0 ]   # Set objective coefficients
lp.matrix = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,     # Set nonzero entries of the
              10.0, 4.0, 5.0,     #   constraint matrix.  (In this
              2.0, 2.0, 6.0 ]    #   case, all are non-zero.)
lp.simplex()           # Solve this LP with the simplex method

之前,我试图(通过快速的一个我还没有发现有很多令人信服的东西看)重写我的代码与其他图书馆,有一个简单的解决这个? (例如,在这里使用的功能被重新命名为别的东西吗?)在此先感谢您的帮助。

Answer 1:

不推荐使用“LPX API”(函数和常量以“LPX”)在最近的版本GLPK被去除。 Python绑定需要太更新。

文章来源: Linear programming in Python : 'module' object has no attribute 'LPX'
标签: python glpk